Chapter 27 - I think we should tell Madeleine

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There's only one person on my mind right now.

Katy Perry.

Yes, her Hot'n Cold song has been playing on my mind since Noah and I kissed last night. The lyric is so relatable to us, that it's kind of scaring.

Hey Katy, what are you? Some predictive witch who knew this was going to happen and made a song about us? I knew I liked you for a reason.

It's not the fact that we kissed that is making me be on cloud nine, the kiss alone is enough to make my legs turn into jelly, but it's more the fact that we kissed out there in the open, where anyone could see.

He didn't bother to hide and I didn't make any effort myself. I don't think I would mind as much as before if Mads caught us lips locked.

However, I'm not sure I'm ready to tell her about us.

We're not dating, so if we tell her and it doesn't work out between us, she'll be crushed.

God, I sound pathetic. Exactly like all those fan girls of his. Here I am, overthinking this.

He does want to spend the day with me though, so I can't help but feel thrilled.

''Are you ok?'' I snap out of my thoughts as soon as I hear Noah's voice and I look at him. He's been driving for the past fifteen minutes to God knows where.

He refuses to tell me where we're going, even after I insisted about a million times for him to tell me.

He just shook his head and said no every time I asked.

I seriously don't know where he could be taking me at ten in the morning, but I don't care, as long as I'm with him.

It's not my fault that I like to spend time with him. Well, at least when he's is a good mood.

''Sorry, I zoned out. I was thinking about Mads.''

''Do you think she'll freak out when she finds out we're on a date?'' He asks as if reading my mind.

He glances at me, before looking back to the road. I can hear expectation in his voice and it makes me happy to realize that I'm not the only one on the edge with the situation.

''A date?'' I was expecting this to be a date, but I didn't want to put my hopes up again. Last time I did, Diana was all over him and it's not a scene I treasure.

''Of course, what do you think this is?'' He smirks when he sees my cheeks flushing.

The way he says it, makes me want to jump on him at the driver's seat and kiss every part of his perfect face.

I can barely control myself around him when he says things like this.

Well, I can't control myself around him, for good or for bad, period.

After he dropped me off last night, he texted me to say I should dress comfortably, so I was thinking about sweatpants and hoodie. Deep down I wanted this to be a date, so I decided against dressing that poorly, even though I'd go out with that outfit at any given day.

The fact the he confirmed this is actually a date, makes me mentally high-five myself to not let my comfy clothes get the best of me.

This situation is nerve-wreaking, considering that last night, I questioned myself and I admitted after a lot of internal struggle that I do have a huge crush on him.

It actually started a while ago, it just took me longer to realize it.

Think about it, he's always on my mind, seeing him with other girls bother me beyond I can explain, I constantly find myself wanting to kiss him - and punch him at the same time – and I definitely can't stop looking at him when he's around.

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