Chapter 47 - I really want them dead

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''Emma, how's everything going?'' My father asks as soon as I answer his call.

''Hi, dad. It's ok. Exams are finally over.''

''I'm glad to hear that, Ems. Mom would be proud.''

Ok, so here's the thing. Although I didn't mention, I've been talking more to my father. I think meeting him that day was decisive for us to start rebuilding our relationship.

It's not perfect and it's not like I forgot nineteen years of neglecting, but I'm happy with the progress we've been making. We're finally talking about my mom and the fact that he misses her too makes me look at him in a different way.

I know it's a complicated time for him, as things at his company are getting harder and harder with competition being too aggressive, but he manages to find time for me. This is a big change from all the years I felt left aside.

From my side of things, it couldn't be better. I nailed the finals, my dad is finally paying attention to me, Christmas is just around the corner and I have the best boyfriend in the world.

Just perfect, right?

The other thing that is making me smile like an idiot at this very moment is the fact that Noah wanted to take me out on a date - one of those I still owe him from his blackmail - as a way to celebrate school being over, so here we are, going out for lunch.

He stopped at a gas station to fill up the tank before we go to the restaurant, so I'm waiting in the car for him to pay for the gas at the convenience store, while I talk to my dad.

Noah is glancing at me every few seconds just to make sure I'm ok, like he always does and my heart melts with his gesture.

He turns his attention to the attendant and that's the exact moment when it happens.

Something none of us could predict.

I feel a strong impact and the car rattles away from where it's parked. I don't know exactly what happened or what hit me, but even before I realize, I'm being jerked out of the crumpled car.

I look around and I can't see Noah, but by the absolutely not gentle way I'm being held in the air, I know he's not not the one pulling me away.

Panic takes over me and I start screaming. Like, really loud.

I feel a sharp twinge in my leg and I take my hand to it, only to make me wince in pain. It feels like it's broken, but I'm not sure. All I know is that it hurts like fucking hell.

A warm liquid trickles from my forehead and I don't have the strength to react to the strong hands that are now dragging me away, so the liquid goes down my face.

I finally see Noah running towards my direction and the expression on his face makes me understand at this very moment what is happening.

I'm being kidnapped.

If the idea of whoever is doing this was discretion, it's not working. They are not being subtle at all.

Noah screams my name and looks me right in the eye, the panic in me just increasing.

I try to squirm in protest, but the only thing I get is the guy that is holding me to squeeze my body even harder, until I can't breath anymore.

Suddenly, I feel my body being released and I fall hard on the floor, letting out a loud cry. The liquid on my face drips on the floor and the vivid red color makes me realize it's blood.

Holy shit, I'm freaking bleeding.

I don't even remember hitting my head, but as I take my hand to it, I feel the cut and my hand has now blood all over it.

Before She Even KnowsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara