Chapter 38 - I didn't know you were coming too

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What was supposed to be a fun weekend, turned out to be not so great after all. It all started on Saturday at the party.

Everything was going great, better than great, but then it took an interesting twist.

Don't get me wrong, spending time with my friends is awesome, but being with Noah is even better. After we finally managed to get out of that room, it was like we forgot about that stupid party, too absorbed in one another to care.

He only had eyes for me and the other way around, so it got to a point when he just said 'let's get out of here' and went to his place to do nothing. A perfect ending to a perfect night.

We were sitting on the couch, a glass of wine in hands and some music on the back filling the comfortable silence between us.

Wine and soft music, I feel so grown up right now.

''Classic music? Really?'' I asked as I put my legs up to my chest.

''What can I say? I'm not into these crappy music people listen these days.'' Of course not.

''Sometimes I forget you're so old.'' I smile at my forty-years old boyfriend.

He just shrugs and sits next to me, pulling my legs over his lap. I can definitely get used to this, so I smile at myself.

''Have you been talking to your dad lately?'' I'm taken aback by the question, although it doesn't bother me anymore.

''Actually yes. I mean, not talking, super talking, but he called me this week and we managed to have a decent conversation.''

I even forgot about that.

''That's good, isn't it?'' He doesn't sound so sure, but well, I'm not sure either.

''I guess. He called to tell me about a new product he's going to launch and that will apparently be a big thing in the technology industry, whatever that means.''

''Really? What product is that?'' I feel Noah tensing, but I'm not sure why.

''I don't know. There's something to do with auto-protection system. Robots or something.'' Noah fits me intently and seriously, so I'm not sure if I said something wrong.

''You know what? Let's talk about something else. I don't want to talk about your dad. Tell me about your week.''

O-kay. I don't know why he seems nervous to talk about this. He's the one who asked. Maybe it's because we had a fight when my dad visited me.

''Let's see. I have classes and some exams, which is driving me crazy, Ryan texted me to meet him to discuss an assignment we have to do and I need to--''

''Wait a second, Ryan asked you out?'' he cuts me off saying the most absurd thing.

''What? No. He just wants to go over an assignment, he's not asking me out.'' He frowns at me and I laugh.

''And you're going to meet him?''

''Yes, of course I am. He's my friend. What's the big deal?''

''The big deal is that you're my girlfriend and I don't like the guy. He's always all over you.''

''All over me? Where did you get that from Noah?'' He takes my legs off of his lap and stands up.

''You know what, forget it. Go meet him, I don't care.'' He walks around the house, grabs his coat and the car keys.

''Where are you going?''

''I'll take you back to campus.'' He wants to take me back to campus because of that?

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