Chapter 22 - You don't seem thrilled about it

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"I think we'll be out of power for a while. We'll have to wait here until it's back and the storm passes. It's pretty ugly outside." He takes a step away from the window and looks at me.

That's not good. I'm only half dry and I don't have any other clothes with me, so I'm kind of starting to feel a bit cold.

"I'll get you some clothes if that's ok with you. You'll have to wear mine, but it's better than your wet ones. You must be cold."

I smile at how it's as if he's reading my mind and for the way he's being thoughtful to offer me his clothes.

He disappears in his room and soon enough he's back with some sweatpants and the Boston College hoodie I saw earlier on his chair.

"Thanks." It seems that's all I'm capable of saying, but honestly, I don't know what to do. It will be extra awkward to wear his clothes, but I'm cold as shit, so I accept it, taking the pile from his hand and going to the bathroom once again to chance.

I put his hoodie on and I swear I'm about to faint. His smell is the most intoxicating thing I've ever smelled and for a moment it's too much to take in. I just want to rip these stupid clothes off and run away just in my bikinis, as fast as I can.

It's hard to hate him when he smells so freaking good.

I leave the bathroom feeling self-conscious and once his eyes land on me, he stops whatever it is he's doing and his eyes go wide.

How subtle.

He looks at me from head to toe, clearly nervous. I'm not sure it's a good thing, but he looks like he lost his words, so it makes me feel good about it. Or maybe he doesn't know how to say I look ridiculous in his clothes. Now I'm nervous.

"It's kind of big, I know." I lift my hands, so he can see the size of the sleeves sliding down my arms and I smile shyly to him. He's way taller than me, so the hoodie is really big to my small body.

"No, it's... it looks good on you." I feel myself blush with his sudden lack of communication skills and I'm glad we're out of power, so he can't see my flushed cheeks right now.

"So, when do you think this storm is going away?" I desperately change the topic, going to stand next to the big window, my eyes on the rain.

"Soon, I hope. It's been a while that we don't have such a big storm around here." He also looks outside, before turning to me again. "Do you want something to eat, or drink? I could make us tea."

He's offering to make us tea? It's actually pretty adorable.

"That would be good. I can help you." We head to the kitchen and he starts getting all we need for tea. Not that it requires much, just water and the tea bags, but I guess going through every drawer and cupboard is his way of hiding the nervousness of the situation.

"So, how long have you been living here?" I ask as an attempt to make things lighter.

"Since last year. I used to live on campus during the first couple of months of freshman, but I decided it's not really for me, so I got my own place."

"Sounds nice to have your own apartment. I'd like to have my own place too one day. Not that I don't like living with Mads, I do, but would be good to have my own kitchen and bathroom."

He makes a comment that I don't really pay attention to, because I'm too focused on staring at his perfect features as he's heating water. His face reflects the light from the few candles I now see he lit.

It would've been romantic if this weren't Noah and I we're talking about. Images of our kiss pop on my mind and I feel myself blush even more.

Suddenly, I feel like I need to leave this place.

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