Chapter 25 - Are you even listening to me?

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Ok, there's one thing I need to tell you. I shouldn't have agreed to meet my father, but the reason is not because I don't want to see him, well, there's that too, but it's mainly because the man decided to text me, like, every day, very excitedly.

It's Thursdays already and I'm sitting at my usual spot at the library with my phone in hand, reading his last message with a list of places we could have lunch at.

I guess he is putting some effort into being a parent after all.

''A penny for your thoughts.'' A very familiar voice comes across the room.

I lift my gaze from my phone, realizing I've been staring at the screen for a while. I smile at the sight of Noah, his arms crossed and a book open in front of him.

''I think your phone might be afraid of you by now. You were staring at it.'' I'm just happy we're getting along.

We've had so many ups and downs since we met that I thought he was going back to being a jerk.

Boy, I was wrong.

After what happened on Monday, we've been kind of flirting with each other and I'm secretly loving it. I won't deny that this flirty, playful Noah is my favorite version of him so far.

''My father's been texting me.'' I say as if this would explain why I was looking at my phone like I could kill someone.

Normally, I wouldn't talk about this to anyone, but Noah and I have already been at this topic and he even saw me crying exactly because of my father, so I really don't mind telling him anymore.

I never thought I'd say that, but I know he'll understand me.

''Oh, is everything ok?'' He seems genuinely interested and I feel happy with his concern.

''He's coming to Boston in a couple of weeks and he wants to meet me.''

''You're meeting with him? To what? Do business?'' He frowns.

What? Where did he get that I'm doing business with my father from what I just said?

''He's coming to visit meet me. Not that I'm excited about it, but he actually is, surprisingly enough.''

He nods, his face so stoic, that renders me confused. He's about to say something, but we're interrupted by a very loud Madeleine, who sits next to him.

''Oh my God, why do you even like this place?''

''Will you be quiet Madeleine? There's a silence sign for a reason.'' Noah says annoyed.

''Whatever. So, I was looking for you lovebirds to talk about the party on Saturday.'' My cheeks go red when she says lovebirds, but Noah seems unaffected.

Of course there's going to be a party, because guess what? People around here have nothing better to do than get drunk at parties. Me included.

''What about it?'' I ask quickly trying to ease my nerves.

''Well, it's a party sponsored by the cheerleaders and I need both my besties there.''

''We would go anyway, you didn't have to come here to ask us.'' He rolls his eyes at her.

''I just wanted to make sure you'd be there. Don't go all grumpy on me.'' She glares at him.

''We'll be there Mads.'' I smile at her so she knows we've got her back.

''Great. Now, let's get out of here, shall we? I might get affected by your nerdsness.''

''That's not even a real word Madeleine.'' The three of us stand up to leave as Noah rolls his eyes at her again.

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