Chapter 49 - I like the sound of that

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"You tried to kidnap her? Are you out of your mind?"

I burst into my dad's office without even bothering to knock. I passed through his secretary, not giving a fuck if she would let me in or not. Normally, I'd be polite and ask her for permission, but I'm too angry for that.

Instead of going home, I came to our office in downtown Boston. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but Allen Industries's huge office building is in the city, where my dad spends most of his days working.

It's been a while that I don't come here and I confess I miss this place.

I would wait until the weekend to go home, but this is too important. Not to mention the fact that Emma and I have already packed to go on our trip tomorrow, so there wouldn't be enough time to make up an excuse to go see my father and talk about the mess he made.

Even if I did have time for it, I didn't want to leave Emma, especially after her discussion with her dad yesterday.

Well, after she was dismissed from the hospital, he called her in an attempt to try to convince her to go home instead of being with me.

He's not giving up and I don't blame him.

Imagine if you found out that your daughter is dating your biggest competitor's son, who is the reason why she's truly hurt right now.

Yeah, I wouldn't give up either.

However, he knows that he needs to take baby steps with her. If he goes all the way on this like I know he wants to do, she might stop talking to him again.

Let's just say that their discussion On the phone wasn't pretty at all and I guess she won't be going home before school is back like he wanted. Even if she wants to go, her pride won't let her.

I can't say I'm not relieved, because I am.

When Emma was admitted at the hospital, Mads called Alfred to let him know what happened and he took the first flight here. As soon as his eyes landed on me, he recognized me. How could he not?

I think it took him some time to process everything I told him when he asked 'what the hell are you doing here?' and when I said that Emma and I are actually dating, he almost punched me in the middle of the reception.

Not that I wouldn't deserve it.

I feel so guilty for what happened to her. When I saw her bleeding on that floor, I barely controlled myself as the tears went down my cheek.

I knew instantly that it was my dad's doing. It's all my fault and I don't know how I can get rid of this feeling.

I mean, I do know how, which is tell her the truth, but if I do it, I'll lose her.

Call me selfish, but I can't do that. i can't lose her.

That's why I was so afraid when she woke up. I thought Alfred was going to tell her who I am and when she asked to talk to him in private, I was fucking terrified.

I insisted that I wanted to be the one to tell her, but he wasn't having. He was pissed and I was genuinely surprised that he didn't say anything to her.

I don't know what went down between them in that room, but I was even more eager than before to get her out of town and have her all to myself during the holidays.

Maybe this is me running away from my problems.

I get my attention back to the reality and I see my dad looking at me with his phone in hand. He's in the middle of a call, but I don't give a fuck. He'll have to deal with me.

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