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A month later
Mackenzie's POV

It was currently weekend. Jack and I was being lazy as always and were just relaxing on the couch. I heard someone knock on the door.

"I got it." I mumbled and went to the front door to open. I had not expected Luke to stand on the other side with a wide smile.

"Luke!!" I smiled and bounced into his arms.

"Hey Kenz." Luke said.

"Who's there?" Jack asked and walked slowly towards us. Luke pulled away from me and I looked at Jack who now had seen who was here. They ran towards each other and hugged each other tightly when they met in the middle.

"Luke? What are you doing here?" Jacks voice cracked showing to me that he was crying.

"Cal, Ash, Mike and I have rented a house here so we will stay for a while." Luke answered.

"I've missed my little brother." Jack cried. Luke patted his back.

"I know... I've missed you too." Luke smiled. Tears were sliding down his cheeks and he was apparently just as happy as Jack was.

Luke apparently just came to say hi. He had to go back to the boys. However he invited us over in the evening. He gave us the address and we drove to them.

The house was big and white, very modern.

We knocked on the door and Luke came to open as we expected him to. He hugged us and lead us inside to the other boys who were sitting on the couch. They all stood up and hugged both Jack and I.

We talked the entire evening. Some of us had separate conversations here and there. Calum made drinks for the boys but no one for me.

"I'm so sorry but you're underage." He apologized.

"Your time will come soon princess." Jack promised.

Throughout the night, I already felt closer to the boys. They told me I could come whenever I wanted to talk. I got their phone numbers.

I also learned that Ashton could talk about body changes, Michael could talk about stupid parents, Calum could talk about exercise and love issues.. and Luke... Luke was Luke.. his only solve for a problem would be to cuddle. That wasn't too bad either.

And Luke being Luke, wanted to cuddle right now. So I gave in and laid down with him and he cuddled me from behind. I could sense a satisfied, cute smile coming from him and I relaxed in his arms.

"So.." Calum started out. "Love?"

I looked confusedly at him not really understanding the question. "Yeah... I love Luke." I said.

He laughed. "No I meant, how is your Love life."

"Oh! Great! I have a family and a boyfriend and everything is good!" I smiled. Everyone except for Jack and Luke, gasped.

"You have a boyfriend?" Ashton asked. I nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I shrugged. "It just haven't come up yet." I said

Jack and I soon left to get home and sleep but I had really enjoyed they boys company, maybe I should go here more often.

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