0 | 5 ~ A.k.a. the sexiest man alive

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REMEMBER the times when an immense fight is going on in a movie and somehow the main character always win?

Well, this is not one of those times.

Scarlett was in an uncomfortable position with a very breathless gang leader practically standing on top of her. He rendered her unable to move in his arms. She hated this. It was a sign of weakness and Scarlett was most defenitely not weak.

She quickly made some changes to the situation by hooking her leg around his and straightening it, causing him to topple over.

She then twisted out of his grasp and used his arm to throw him face first into the wall that she was pinned up against only moments before.

Cayden cursed and spun around, only to meet Scarlett's fist as it made contact with his face.

Scarlett's eyed him in a daze, her mind already crowded with a mix of adrenaline and anger.

She wanted to finish this now, her fighting was starting to get more severe by the minute and her mission was long gone out of her mind. That's all it took for her vines to turn to ice. That is what happened to her right before things got messy.

Taking a fist full of hair, she started pulling Cayden back into a standing position, but he grabbed the wrist of her dominant hand and twisted it in an unfamiliar way that caused Scarlett to loosen her grip on his hair, yelping out in suprise.

Trying to control his breathing, Cayden let go of Scarlett before sending another punch in her direction, but she already anticipated the move before whirling out of the way.

Ignoring the unfamiliar pain in her wrist, Scarlett spun around and jabbed her elbow in Cayden's ribs before taking a small step back.

She brushed a thick lock of hair off her forehead, realizing just now that her fists was mostly coated in Cayden's blood.

A red haze settled over Scarlett, blanketing her withthe righteous fury necessary to do what needs to be done. She can't remember the last time she lost control like this. Not since-

Scarlett shook her head, stopping her mind from finishing those dark thoughts. That was history and there were more important things happening here and now that required her absolute attention. For now, she needed to win this fight and get accepted into the gang.

Cayden was obviously very skilled in combat. He didn't fight with the perfect strikes like Scarlett did, who had been trained in exile since.

As she watched him, she could see him calculating each attack before it even came and finding the exact move to counter it. He fought like a genuine gang leader, maybe even like someone from the mafia.

Spinning, Cayden swept out a leg and hooked it behind Scarlett's ankle, her thoughts distracting enough for her to drop her guard and Cayden to get an upper hand.

Scarlett jerked, reaching out both hands for the nearest thing she could find - Cayden's shirt.

They toppled together and as soon as Cayden's back hit the ground, a full bare-handed brawl developed between them.

Even with pain lighting them both on fire, they didn't falter and kept struggling.

Scarlett's fist sunk into Cayden's gut, but he turned at the right time to send it sliding off his ribs. It was light, a simple graze in her opinion, but she could hear a faint hissing sound through her adrenaline filled daze before she was pinned down with both arms above her head.

Scarlett gritted her teeth, Cayden was like an Energizer Bunny that just wouldn't give up.

She didn't wait for his smirk to reach its full potential. Instead, she pulled her knees up towards her chest, brushing the sides of his torso with them. His eyes widened, thinking she was going to wrap her legs around him. He dipped his head down until Scarlett could feel his breath fanning her face and that's when she pushed her feet with all her strength against his hip-bones, sending him flying backwards.

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