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A/N: From this point on are the old chapters, so the numbering is going to be off. 

I'm also in the process of shifting the point of view from first to third, just so you know as you get further into the book and so you don't get confused. 


𝑼𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑺𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕


He was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. A massive beast with the most graceful of movements.

Back and forth.

Back and forth, he paced. He had worn down a path at the back of the sanctuary pen. She couldn't help herself, she walked right up to the chain-link fence, the only barrier between the beautiful beast and she.

He instantly stopped pacing, his ears flattened back as he charged to the fence. The ground probably would've shaken from his powerful strides. He was at the fence in seconds. His yellow eyes solely on her.

She had been working at the Riverbottom Wolf Sanctuary for the past three years and never had a wolf so enthralling as the one before her been brought there.

"I see you've met our newest edition," she turned to see Welma, the head of the sanctuary, walk up from behind her with a bucket of raw chopped up meat. "Beautiful, isn't he?"

"He's breathtaking," she responded, instantly her attention went back to the massive wolf as he brushed up against the fence as a cat would to its owner's leg. Needy for attention.

"He must be hungry, take this," Welma thrust the bucket of meat at her, and she took it. She watched as Welma walked away to prepare more meat for the other wolves that were recovering from injuries or waiting to be relocated. Welma was the most caring and passionate person she had ever met. She had been running the Riverbottom Wolf Sanctuary for forty years now. Even at her ripe, old age of seventy, she tended to the wolves. It was unconditional love from her end to every wolf that had come through the sanctuary. She kept binders full of pictures of wolves with their information and care written underneath. She tried to keep tabs on all her wolves but most slipped through her grasp over the years. If she ever caught wind that one of her wolves died from natural causes or old age she often became saddened. But she was also happy because she knew that because of her they were able to live a full prosperous life for a wolf.

Welma was always dressed in loose-fitting ponchos, cargo pants, and dark green rubber boots. Her long, wild, white hair was always flying with the wind as she never put it up.

She watched as the wolf brushed against the fence again, this time making eye contact with her as he did it. Taunting her to come closer. "Hey, Welma!" she hollered. Welma came rushing over with wide eyes.

"What's wrong,  child?! Is he choking on the meat?!"

"No..." even after working for Welma for three years she was still stunned by her concern towards the wolves' well-being.

"Then what is it?" Welma made a clicking sound to catch the wolf's attention, she reached into the bucket and grabbed a chunk of raw meat tossing it in for him to devour. She couldn't help but cringe at what Welma had done. Raw meat and bare hands was not a great mix.

"I was wondering why he ended up here, he seems healthy..."

"He's part of the relocation group going to be released near the Hoh Rainforest on the Olympic Peninsula. They're doing a controlled study on wolves in the area. Since they were made extinct in the '20s. But, there were some massive wolves similar to him found in that area recently." She nodded, absorbing the information. The Olympic Peninsula wasn't far from where they lived in the small town of Bonaloo Bay, Washington.

"Have you named him yet?" Knowing Welma, she probably had a name picked out from the moment she received any information about him.


"That's Italian, right?" Welma nodded. "How'd you come up with it?"

"Just came to me," Welma shrugged before making her way back to the meat station to resume her work.

The massive wolf let out a yap, demanding her attention. She found it rather odd.

"Okay, okay!" She giggled, slipping on a disposable glove to move the meat into the miniature trough looking feeder. The trough had a rope tied to the bottom of it so it could be pulled out to be filled with whatever food Welma wanted to feed the wolves. She tugged on the rope once she unlocked the latch that held it in place. The trough came sliding out and she dumped the meat into it, shoveling out the remaining meat with her gloved hand. Disgusting. She pushed the trough back into place and locked the latch to keep it in place. The wolf made no move to eat.

Not thinking much of it, she removed the glove and tossed it into the trash making her way over the outdoor handwashing station. She washed my hand thoroughly before making her way back over to Ettore's pen.

"Ettore, aren't you hungry big guy?" She said in a babyish voice, pursing her lips. The wolves probably hated that she talked to them occasionally with the baby voice but she couldn't help it. Especially when there were adorable wolf pups running around. The wolf replied with a snort, moving down the fence line looking back at me as if to say, 'aren't you coming?'

Entertained by the wolf's antics, she followed along the fence a few paces until stopping in front of him. He rubbed up against the fence again, his thick fur was starting to stand on end from the action. He couldn't possibly be wanting her to pet him like a common house held pet could he?

 He couldn't possibly be wanting her to pet him like a common house held pet could he?

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Here's an example of the wolf size I'm referring to when I use the descriptor "massive" referencing the Mackenzie Valley Wolf size. 

(The dark red wolf, the reds on the name key look very similar)

(The dark red wolf, the reds on the name key look very similar)

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