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VINDICATIO narrowed his eyes at the light gray wolf as his gaze connected with his. Darrin didn't blink, nor cast his intense gaze in another direction. A challenge. Vindicatio shifted into his wolf form and leaped onto the log, barreling across, the slipper surface going unnoticed. Chaska, Moki, Talise, and Odessa close behind; for some reason feeling obligated to assist him.

 Vindicatio padded right over to Darrin and stopped just before him. His head dipped slightly to look him directly in the eyes, Darrin wasn't a small wolf by any means, he was one of the largest in the small group of warriors now gathering behind him. Vindicatio's lip curled up in a snarl, Darrin's mirrored the action.

They abruptly stepped apart and began to circle, hackles raised, and tails swishing menacingly. The looks in their eyes filled with threats and vicious promises. 

One of them was going to make a fool of himself in front of the others. And Vindicatio wouldn't allow it to be him. He took the initiative to attack first, Darrin ducked his neck narrowly missing Vindicatio's sharp teeth. Vindicatio landed and slid to a halt on the dirt-covered ground, lowering himself in a threatening posture. One that screamed, come at me. Darrin let out a growl and began to pace around Vindicatio. Vindicatio's eyes watched his movement, he knew that he wouldn't attack him from behind because that was a cowardly move. Darrin took the moment Vindicatio's eyes caught movement in the shrubbery to ram his head into his side flipping his massive body over. Darrin snarled and went to claw at his soft underbelly when Vindicatio rolled away and was back on his feet, his eyes enraged. They both crouched down before Darrin leaped into the air soon followed by Vindicatio, his muscular hind legs propelling him into the air with enough to knock Darrin back to the ground. A sickening crack resounded as Darrin's shoulder came into contact with a large rock that had been below him. He attempted to stand up, his right leg hanging limply from his dislocated shoulder. Vindicatio took two steps towards Darrin, his exposed teeth coated into saliva as he thought about sinking them into his jugular.

 Vindicatio took two steps towards Darrin, his exposed teeth coated into saliva as he thought about sinking them into his jugular

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SYRETIA couldn't take it anymore, the anticipation of what could be going on at the sanctuary was eating her alive. Sure, she had convinced herself that it was none of her business and proceeded to enjoy a movie... But the moment that Pretty In Pink was over her mind instantly wandered to what could be happening. What if Welma and Darrin were in trouble!

She'd just drop by and leave, simple as that. She slipped on her windbreaker over her sweatshirt, not bothering to change out of her comfy clothes. Syretia hopped around as she slipped on her shoes as she stumbled out the front door, the door slamming shut behind her. Syretia couldn't help it as she cringed at the loud noise, there was no doubt that someone would be out in seconds to chew her out for disturbing them.

She sprinted down the hallway, keys jingling in her right hand. She stopped at the elevator pressing the down arrow repetitively. Finally, a ding resounded and the ugly golden doors opened up. She stepped in and pressed the button to go to the lobby.

As soon as the elevator doors opened and revealed the mediocre lobby Syretia sprinted towards the front doors,the doormen gave each other curious gazes as they opened the doors for her as she rushed through the threshold, quickly turning and heading to the parking area. Syretia jumped into her Jeep Cherokee and started it up. She drove out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell, she had a sinking feeling that something bad was about to happen. Even though she couldn't help a lot -- or even at all -- she still wanted to try, if she got in the way, then she would respect that and leave.

The trees on either side of the highway blurred as she drove down the highway towards the wolf sanctuary. Once she got there she parked, in a godawful manner; she was a terrible parker on a good day as it was already. The car wasn't even parked in the lines. Deciding her parking job wasn't worth the dwelling on, she ran inside to find the place empty. She made her way out to where the pens were, looking towards the gate to see a familiar white wolf sprinting up the small hill in the distance. Welma.

Syretia took off in that direction, she promised herself she wouldn't get too close, but she wanted to make sure things were under control. Not that she would be able to do anything if it weren't. But, it would ease her anxious mind. She meandered up the hill, feeling burnt out, she had never this much in her entire life. At the top of the hill she picked up her pace, the burning in her lungs and the freezing feeling on the back of her throat just minor setbacks as she made it down the other side.

Growling, yapping, and menacing snarls filled her ears. She suddenly didn't feel as brave -- or stupid-- anymore. Her pace slowed to a walk then to a standstill. Maybe she should just turn back? But what about Darrin and Welma...

She slowly approached the area where all the noise was coming from, careful to watch her footing. She stumbled a bit, rustling the vegetation. She slowly peeked over a bush, only to see a familiar wolf with a coat of grays, tans, and russet reds look in her direction. She quickly ducked, unsure of if he actually saw her. Ettore. He was right there. He was within arms reach, she felt her heart flutter. She watched as Darrin's wolf leapt up into the air and soon Ettore followed. Darrin was knocked onto the ground helplessly trying to get up. She watched as Ettore's wolf took a few steps towards him, a look of malicious intent and zero remorse in his eyes. That couldn't be Ettore. He had the softest look in his eyes, one that held understanding.

She didn't think, she burst through the bushes and opened her mouth to scream when she realized her mistake. She had jumped the gun at the worst possible time. All the wolves whipped their heads towards her, looks of confusion were hinted amongst a few of them. Welma's wolf soon came trotting over to her letting out a warning growl. A look of displeasure in her eyes, she didn't like that Syretia was there, at all. Ettore's wolf leaped over Darrin and quickly made his way over to them. She watched the grotesque transformation as he took on his human form. The sounds made her want to hurl, it was the most horrendous thing she had ever witnessed. She was half-expecting it to be Ettore standing in front of her but it wasn't. It was a different man. His eyes looked colder, more wild -- feral. There was an air about him that felt powerful, sending the thrum of her heart to an erratic pace. He reached his hand out. She flinched slightly earning a growl, his dark eyes narrowed in warning.

Syretia stilled, holding her breath as his hand brushed against her face. His eyes softened, becoming hooded as he stared down at her. His touch felt familiar, but she had never seen him before.

"Anima gemella," the words escaped his full lips in a whisper.

"Anima gemella," she subconsciously parroted at the same volume. 

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