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As if coming out of a trance, Syretia pulled away from the strange man's touch, leaving his hand to grasp at the air. His eyes narrowed, the right corner of his mouth twitching. Suddenly he jerked away, Darrin's muscular form standing between Syretia and him.

"Stand down if you know what's good for you," The man stated, his voice sounded like Ettore's but it wasn't as smooth. It was deeper, it was more guttural and rough like he hadn't used his vocal cords ever in his life. "I haven't got the time to waste on minuscule fights that will only end with your face flamed with pure embarrassment." Darrin let out a growl taking a step forward, he was about four inches shorter than the man standing before he and Syretia. On the other hand, both males towered over Syretia, casting shadows in her vision.

A harsh sound that made her shiver with a cringe filled the air -- Darrin had shoved his arm back into its socket.

"Try me, motherfucker," Darrin bit out harshly. "Just because you're expelling that you have higher power doesn't mean jack shit here. It's void. You hold no authority. Leave, and take those Wilds with you. None of you have the need nor right to be here!"

A woman that Syretia did not recognize, with long dark hair and a beautiful tan complexion walked up from the right, "actually we do need to be here. Vin wanted to return home, and that is what we did. We helped him find his way back." Syretia felt a flare of jealousy as she peered around Darrin to see her taking a step towards the man, now known as Vin.

"You owe him no explanation, Odessa. Take the others and leave, thank you for everything but I can handle this myself," Vin spoke coldly stepping away from her. Syretia's eyes widened as she watched his hand fly out and grip Darrin by the throat. Darrin made no sounds of struggle, so Syretia assumed that his throat wasn't being squeezed like some sort of stress-ball. She watched in horror as Darrin's feet began to leave the ground. This man was incredibly strong and volatile. She moved into action stepping around Darrin and jumping up to grab onto the man's large bicep trying to shake Darrin loose. Vindicatio turned his icy gaze her way.

"You dare to defend another male?" his voice was quiet, but angered, totally contradicting with the scenario on display. Syretia blinked at a loss for words as she dangled weightlessly from the man's arm. Her gaze lowered to his neck where a familiar scar wrapped around, embedded in his otherwise flawless flesh. Her grip slipped and she landed flat on her ass with an 'umph.'

Soon Darrin was dropped next to her, gasping for air. The man dropped down to a crouching position, Syretia kept her gaze high as to not look at anything further south. He placed his large left hand on the mulch covered ground by her foot, leaning forward. His right hand gripped onto her left bicep as he pulled her into him. His scent was intoxicating, she never smelt anything like it. It was a striking contrast to his appearance. The faint scent of roses and mixed with fresh rain tickled her nose, and something more masculine. A spice. She couldn't stop herself as she buried her face into his neck, the scarred tissue pressed against her cheek. His neck vibrated as he spoke, "you should be defending me, Syretia."

She froze as she felt his massive arms wrap around her, eyes widening as her name left his lips. How did he know it? And more importantly, how was she supposed to defend such an intimidating, and powerful creature such as this man before her?

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