𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 | 𝑰

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𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑶𝒇 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒐𝒔


"Salvatore Cane is coming," Vindicatio spat out with malice, gripping the Queen's crown in his hand so hard that the gold began to bend. "One of you bury that woman's head, everyone else inside. We need to strategize." Moki hung back while everyone quickly followed Vindicatio to the War Room; the Head Warrior, Alfonso, was already there waiting with his most trusted men.

"King Vindicatio," Alfonso greeted with a stern nod, his men bowing their heads.

"Alfonso," Vindicatio returned in the same manner.  "There are pressing matters concerning the return of Salvatore Cane--,"

"I had a vision and I have no doubts that he will be bringing the White Rogues with him," Evanora interrupted as she staggered into the room, everyone glared at her audacity to interrupt Vindicatio mid-sentence.

"The White Rogues are nothing but a myth," Alfonso stated, slamming his fist on the wooden table. The table broke out into arguments and possible tactics to use.

"EXCUSE ME!" Syretia shouted. Everyone shut up and looked at her. "What are the White Rogues?"

"The White Rogues are a group of pure white-furred, cannibalistic werewolves that aren't native around here. They're from the polar regions where there is snow year-round and frigid climates. The legend goes that when winter hit, they would terrorize werewolf packs that were just starting out. They'd take control and capture the werewolves and take them back to their frozen scablands. The captured werewolves weren't built for such climates and scarce food sources that they'd often freeze to death as they starved. Then the White Rogues would devour them."

"It's all just a myth, a scary bedtime story that was told to young pups so they stay indoors on winter nights," Alfonso waved Evanora off in dismissal. Evanora opened her mouth to protest, "and even if they were real, how would Salvatore find them. Their location would be void."

"He's had months to search for them," Evanora argued.

"There's so much area that is included in the polar regions!" Another warrior cut in, siding with Alfonso. "He'd have to search parts of Alaska, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Northern Canada, Norway, Russia, and Sweden. And that's not even mentioning the Antarctic regions either."

"I'd doubt that they'd be in Antarctica, they'd have no means to get to the other continents, they couldn't possibly swim that far and they would be much too archaic to build boats," Evanora retorted.

"Still, there's a lot of land to be thoroughly searched and traveled on," the Warrior stated.

"I wouldn't underestimate Salvatore," Chaska spoke up. "He's very cunning; beguile. He's a wicked creature, I have no doubts in my mind that he would be able to find these 'White Rogues' because if anyone could find them it would be him."

"Let's humor this scenario, shall we?" Alfonso stood up from his chair and walked around the table eyeing everyone as they turned to watch his movements. "Let's suppose that Salvatore has found the White Rogues and has them in his corner. What do we do? We know nothing about them. Are they like other rogues? Stuck between forms? Or are they like us, able to shift freely between forms? Are they as old as time or are they our age? Are they smart, intuitive? Or do they act upon instinct and feral behavior? Are they--"

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