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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅


The Verdale pack accepted him with open arms the moment he landed in Montana. However, he was not accustomed to their way of living. They were Wild Wolves that lived off of the land and not the modern devices he had grown up with. They were dressed in native attire made of buffalo, deer, and elk hides. He wasn't used to their tongue and he wasn't used to living in the dens they had built. Higher ranks lived in ones that looked like wood cabins but they had compacted dirt floor, and beds made of tall grass and straw, covered by bearskin. Others built their dens underground or in caves nearest to the pack gathering land. The family he was staying with lived in one of the cottages.

 The pack shared their kills and ate them most of the time raw. That was something Ettore had to grow used to. He was used to his meals being several courses, prepped and cooked thoroughly, and paired with a side. 

The first time he sunk his teeth into a bloody piece of venison he nearly puked. He hadn't been prepared for the overpowering bloodied taste of the meat and he thought it was absolutely horrendous. But he finished it with a small smile and thanked the pack for the meal. After a while, he grew used to everything and learned to appreciate their way of living. 

He lived comfortably in the pack for five years until he turned 21. One morning, Alpha Dire woke him up before sunrise, leading him out into the meadow to the east. They stood next to each in silence until Alpha Dire spoke up, his deep voice breaking through the silence of the early morning. 

"I've been growing closer with the Alpha of a Domestic Pack," he stated.

"Which alpha?"

"Nick Fredlan of the Farday pack. The pack is about five miles from where we stand. It's crazy how we can live like this with the life and pleasures of modern domestic wolves just five miles away. Alpha Fredlan and I were speaking of a merger. We agreed that both our packs would benefit from our different skills and cultures. He thinks we could help his pack get in better tune with their wolves. However, there's a problem."

"What's the problem?" Ettore found himself asking. 

"Alpha Fredlan wants his eldest born to marry and mate with my eldest. But as you know, my mate and I were never able to have children. Which is why I'd like you to take the place as my eldest. You've been like a son to me these past five years and I couldn't think of someone more responsible or reliable as you. I know I'm asking a lot from you." Ettore was silent, he didn't know what to say.

"I know it's a lot to think over..."

"Isn't it against your beliefs to have an arranged pairing? Don't you believe that in time the Moon Goddess will pair you with someone, and put them in your life at the perfect time... when you need them most?"

"At least meet his daughter, you never know, the Moon Goddess may have influenced this merger from the beginning."

"I suppose I could meet her. That won't hurt anything."

"Then let's go," Alpha Dire insisted, stripping off his attire and shifting into a tannish colored wolf. Ettore followed in suit, shifting into his wolf and chasing after his Alpha. 

The moment they entered the pack territory it was like a culture shock to Ettore, he hadn't been in a suburban neighborhood filled, small town in years. It felt foreign yet familiar. He watched as Alpha Dire shifted into his human form, pulling on his pants. Ettore shifted, dressing in one fluid motion. 

"Alpha Fredlan will be here with his daughter soon."

Ettore just nodded as he looked around.

Alpha Fredlan soon came into view, standing tall and confident, dressed in a business suit. 

"Alpha Dire," he greeted with a nod. 

"Alpha Fredlan," Alpha Dire returned the gesture. "This Ettore Lupo the young man I was telling you about. He comes from a powerful lineage made of pure-blooded royals. He's had extensive leadership training throughout his formative years and has had training within my pack as well," Alpha Fredlan took a step closer to Ettore before circling around him as if he were studying an art piece at a gallery, looking for any flaws. 

"I can sense the power radiating from him," Alpha Fredlan commented, "he'll make a good alpha. If what you say is true. We'll have to see if my Genevieve is impressed."  And on cue, a tall brunette came walking towards them. She had a slender figure that was covered by a simple tea-length, light blue dress and a face that held soft features. She stopped next to her father, eyes shifting from Alpha Dire to Ettore. The moment their eyes caught she looked down immediately, bashful.

"Genevieve, this is Ettore Lupo he's from the Verdale Pack and is offered to be your mate for the merger," Alpha Fredlan explained. Genevieve tentatively held her hand out and Ettore grasped it in his own. "Why don't you two go get to know each other while Alpha Dire and I converse over the merger." Ettore led Genevieve away from the alphas and into a cluster of trees near a creek. 

"How long have you been a Wild?" Genevieve asked, her voice was soft and nearly silent. Ettore could tell she was shy from the way she carried herself to the way she resisted eye contact.

"About five years now," he replied, his voice was steady and confident. 

"Where are you from originally? You have an accent but I can't place it."

"I'm originally from Italy, I was a part of the royal court," he looked down at her, trying to look into her soft hazel eyes. "Why do you refuse eye contact? It makes a conversation more personal."

"It makes me uncomfortable," she responded, her voice just as quiet as it had been. "My father has been looking for a mate for me for a while now... four years. His criteria's very long and picky. But most importantly he wants a male that is outspoken, confident, and can hold his ground and run a pack. I wish he'd just let my younger brother take over the pack but that's not how the law works. The firstborn, much to my father's dismay, is the one to get the alpha title. But I'm much too shy and soft-spoken to be a leader. That's why he wants to find someone that is the exact opposite of myself. I just want someone that will appreciate me for me."

"And who are you?" Ettore asked, a smile pulling at his lips when she finally made eye contact with him.

"I'm Genevieve, a lover of nature and all things cute," she said with determination. 

"All things cute?" Her face burned bright red as she looked away from him, her arms hugging herself tighter. "That's something I could get behind," he commented, "I can appreciate the cute things in life as much as another. Like puppies, and uhh..., flowers?" Genevieve shook her head with a light laugh. 

"What?" He asked, brows furrowing.

"Nothing," she smiled.  

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