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𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑳𝒐𝒚𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒚


Meanwhile in the Forest...

On their way back to their pack lands, Chaska halted feeling a rush of adrenaline flash through his system. He looked behind himself to see Odessa, Moki, and Talise baring the same expression. Something wasn't right. Nothing like this had ever happened to them before.

Somehow they all knew that it connected back to the beastly wolf they had helped out. A lycan. They still couldn't believe what they had seen. Never in a million years did they ever anticipate helping a purebred lycan. The moment they parted ways it almost felt like they were betraying one of their own; as though they were bound to him.

A loud howl filled the air calling out to them, the power claiming their wolves. 

Chaska's wolf took over, soon followed by the others, a force willed them all to the forefront. They broke out into a completely different direction than they had been heading in before. The thrumming of their hearts, labored breaths, and the soft thudding of paws against the foliage-covered ground was the only thing that could be heard. That was until they reached their destination.

The stench of fresh blood.

The sound of murderous growls.

The amount of power slamming against them as they neared a clearing made what they thought obvious.

Lycans were near.

Chaska shifted first, followed by Odessa then the others. They all peered over a bush astonished at the fight before them. They had never seen anything like it. Two monstrous beasts resembling wolves stood on two legs, throwing each other around and pummeling each other without even being winded. It looked like they were only putting in a minimal effort. Suddenly they saw a short being dart between them, ash blonde hair trailing behind. The scent of a human filtered into their nostrils, they couldn't believe that a human could move that fast. Her fight or flight instincts playing a big part.

They turned their bewildered expressions back to the black-furred lycan as he stumbled backward, clutching his gut trying to wrench something out. He let out a howl as he tore it out. They watched as the lycan took on his human form followed shortly by the grayish one.

"Vindicatio," his name slipped from Odessa's mouth as she watched him pummel the other man into the ground.

"You've got to be kidding me," Chaska barked out. "Our wolves took us to him."

"They bonded with the lycan. They follow the strongest power they find. They think he's their leader," Moki's deep voice rumbled out, he rarely spoke but when he did it was to voice reason. He had the brains and the brawn of a weathered warrior for as young as he was.

"I trust my wolf and her decisions, if she claims him as her leader then I'm going along with it," Talise stated, as she stepped past the others. Moki nodded, following close behind her. "Are you coming, Odessa?" Odessa looked over at her brother's hardened face.

"Yes," she confirmed, falling into stride with them.

"You're all sheep!"

"Don't be childish Chaska, it's embarrassing," Moki growled out. Chaska growled back before storming after them, he picked up his pace shifting into his wolf running over to the lycan that was now walking away, human in arms. Odessa couldn't help but roll her eyes at her brother before shifting as well. Moki and Talise glanced at each other, grasping hands for a reassuring squeeze before shifting as well. 

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