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𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒆


Ettore and Genevieve stood at the altar underneath an arch covered in flowers and ferns. Their hands were grasped tightly in one another as the Elder Wolf wrapped a dark blue, satin scarf around their wrists. He left the material to hang as he began reciting the vows. Ettore and Genevieve repeated their respective parts, staring into each other's eyes. 

In the past three months, Ettore had spent with Genevieve he learned to appreciate the smaller things in life. He learned that he needed to be stern yet compassionate with others. He learned that a good leader doesn't need to only care about his reputation and power but also his pack and the well-being of those that make it. Sweet Genevieve had taught him to be kind, and thoughtful. To be selfless and care for others before he cared for himself. To be able to make sacrifices for the greater good. To be more human than wolf-like as he had learned with Alpha Dire and the Verdale Pack. He learned that there was a time to be more wolf, but for the most part, he just needed his human wit to make running the pack possible, he knew that it would take time for the Verdale pack to adjust. And he would cater to their needs and culture but ultimately he knew that it was time for both packs to change and join together. 

And their union would make the merger official. 

The Elder Wolf spoke up, "Ettore Lupo do you take Genevieve to be your mate and the only soul you bind yours with?"

"I do."

"Genvieve, I ask of you the same thing. Do you--"

"I do," she interrupted, her hazel eyes twinkling with happiness and adoration for the man standing in front of her. 

"Then I happily pronounce you mates!"

The ceremony shifted quickly, Alpha Fredlan, followed by Alpha Dire, walked down the aisle with a large knife and goblet. The Elder Wolf moved his stand to the side revealing a small fire pit with hot coals. Genevieve moved off to the side so that the attention was solely on her father and Ettore.

Alpha Fredlan handed the goblet over to the Elder Wolf and slit a cut into his palm using the dagger. Alpha Dire did the same before he passed the dagger to Ettore as he held his clenched fist over the goblet, his blood dripping into it. 

Ettore held the dagger in his hand tightly, he slit down his palm as the two alpha's had, quickly he moved his bleeding hand above the goblet, clenching his fist so that the blood would drop at a steady rate.  The Elder Wolf began chanting in an old tongue that Ettore wasn't familiar with but he found it mesmerizing. He watched as the blood in the goblet began to bubble before the Elder Wolf dumped it onto the hot coals. 

"I here by pass the Alpha title from Alpha Fredlan of the Farday Pack  and the Alpha title from Alpha Dire of the Verdale Pack to Ettore Lupo!" 

Ettore felt a jolt in his system, a connection to all the werewolves around him. He felt almost overwhelmed. But deep down he felt an irritation from his wolf. He'd been oddly silent since he arrived in Montana years ago. He figured his wolf's takeover during his first shift was just a one-time thing. But he knew that the wolf had just lingered in the back waiting until it was time to strike. He knew that sooner than later the wolf would try to take over... and he'd succeed. 

That night as he laid in bed next to Genevieve he couldn't stop thinking about when his wolf would take over and turn him into something he wasn't and didn't want to be. He rolled over, facing a sleeping Genevieve. He wanted to be selfless like Genevieve, the woman didn't have a mean bone in her body. She was beautiful inside and out and Ettore couldn't help but be jealous of her nature. He knew he was born with characteristics that would make him a good leader, a king. But he also couldn't help but want to be the selfless one, but he knew that if he was anything like Genevieve was he'd get taken advantage of and he wouldn't be respected. 

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