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𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝑨𝒈𝒐


 He was born with a head of dark hair, one that didn't match his mother's nor his father's. His hair did, however, match that of the man holding him. The man looked absolutely awestruck as he held the little baby in front of him. The nurse snapped a picture handing it to the infant's mother. His mother, Queen Analyn, knew exactly why her baby looked like the man and not her husband and needed it resolved immediately as it could possibly put her position as Queen in jeopardy. She crumpled up the picture and stuffed it into the messiest drawer of her nightstand before her son was handed back to her. She held him close and kissed his forehead, she wished he had come out different. 

He was absolutely gorgeous, the perfect baby a mother could ask for and yet, he would expose her infidelities and that would result in both of them being banished from that castle and royal life as she knew it. Something that the man sitting across from her wouldn't be able to provide her, sure he was rich, but he held no titles and lacked an obedient following.

The King was absent for the birth, having been called to aid a pack in need.  She took the opportunity of his long absence, on the night he was to return, she fled into the woods on horseback, cradling her son in her arms. She knew that time was of the essence as his kind was prone to grow fast, faster than normal werewolf children. He would expose her wrongs, he would look nothing like the King in a few short years. She needed to put an end to it before it truly began.

She was in search of an old friend, a powerful witch that resided deep in the woods, spending most of her time mixing herbal remedies and healing the poor. Evanora had a heart of gold that catered to her selflessness. The Queen had no qualms about taking advantage of her friend's selflessness and power; corrupting her. Like storm clouds engulfing the silver moon, her aura would capture Evanora and conceal her light. 

She hopped off of her horse and ran to the small cabin's door, knocking once, twice, then three times. She was growing antsy, looking around as she clutched her baby closer, moving the light blue blanket to cover his head more. She released a breath when the moss-covered door was pulled open revealing a dark-skinned woman with gorgeous curly hair that was unfurled and reaching out in every direction possible.

"Analyn," Evanora greeted with a warm smile, "what brings you here? You haven't been here in months."

"My son," Analyn responded, holding the swaddled infant out more, "he looks nothing like Vincenzo."

"He looks a lot like--"

"Don't even say his name," Analyn scowled.

"He's your destined mate," Evanora continued, "perhaps it turned out this way for a reason, you can leave Vincenzo and finally be with... you know who and raise this little baby together, Vincenzo can be with anyone he chooses he doesn't have the blessing you do and this little baby will someday have it too."

"I'm happy now," Analyn stated coldly. 

"What will happen when he grows older? He might not be able to sense his own destined mate."

 "Well, it wouldn't be the end of the world, Evanora. He can be with whomever he chooses when the time comes. I just want this baby to look more like Vincenzo."

"I could do a temporary spell for now but anything more than that would require black magic."

"I want it to be permanent! I can't risk losing the life I have now because of a mistake!"

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