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𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕'𝒔 𝑭𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕


VINDICATIO took a deep inhale, the trace of Salvatore's scent was faint but strong enough for him to follow down the winding corridor that made him feel as though he were a rat running through a maze. The lights above were dim and flickering on occasion. He didn't like being cooped up for so long, he felt like some kind of zoo animal held captive for the enjoyment of the scientists and Salvatore's own sick amusement.

He took a right then a left, it all felt too easy. There were no guards, no scientists bustling about in the hallways. He kept moving, the knife handle gripped tightly in his hand. Two things were pushing at his consciousness: freedom and hunger.

He ascended the staircase, cringing every time the weakened boards creaked under his weight. Upon reaching the top, he pressed his ear to the door. Complete and utter silence, it was as though the whole place had been deserted in a matter of minutes.

He slowly opened the door and stepped out, his bare feet meeting cold, hardwood flooring. He sniffed the air picking up on Salvatore's scent again, he pursued it with determined strides. He burst through the front door -- being met with not but a dense tree line, the treetops seeming to go on for miles and miles. He stepped down the wooden, front porch steps and the cool grass collided with the bottoms of his feet. He had never felt such a sensation before, he couldn't help but slide his feet around on the plush grass. He took in a deep breath, closing his eyes, the fresh air and sunlight felt amazing on his skin. He had only experienced it against his fur. He loved it. He wished he had experienced it sooner. 

He opened his eyes, narrowing them at an opening into the forest, he sprinted towards it. In a matter of seconds, the dense forest engulfed him. The density of the forest was comforting to him, the narrow trail was his guide before he let his instincts take control.

 The density of the forest was comforting to him, the narrow trail was his guide before he let his instincts take control

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His eyes flashed to a vibrant shade of amber-gold as he shifted into his more beastly form. He navigated his way through the forest effortlessly, every twist and turn, every obstacle, every valley. He began to scale up a mountainside deciding that high ground would be most helpful. At the top he looked around, the sight before him was gorgeous, but horrifying all the same.

He had no idea which way to go, the expanse of the land below him was intimidating but he was determined

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He had no idea which way to go, the expanse of the land below him was intimidating but he was determined. He leaped over the ledge landing on another that jutted out slightly further, he continued the process until he was twenty feet from the ground below. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes before reopening them as he hurled himself over the ledge. He landed with a thud, his beastly body rolling a few feet before colliding with a massive tree.

He pushed himself onto his hindquarters and shook debris and mulch from his fur. He hadn't felt a thing, he looked up at the ledge one last time before walking into another tree line. He sniffed the air trying to pick up on any familiar scents, everything had been washed away. It smelt as though it had rained recently and was about to rain again.

His ears perked at the rustling of vegetation. He took a few steps and poked his wolfish head around the expanse of the tree he had collided with. Elk. He felt his stomach rumble as his eyes took in the feast before him. A feast fit for a beast.

Three cows were munching on vegetation with their calves siphoning milk from them. The real prize was the bull that stood on high alert, his head held high with his massive antlers on display. Vindicatio debated on whether to go after the cows or the bull first. He decided on the latter. He leaped into action, snarling, arms reeled back before clamping around the bull's neck like a vice-grip. The bull let out his scream-like call that urged the cows and calves to bolt. Vindicatio locked his massive jaws around the bull's throat snapping it under the pressure. The bull's legs gave out as he crumpled to the ground, his head colliding with greater force from the weight of his antlers. Vindicatio's lips curled in a snarl, teeth bared as glistening saliva ran down them as he watched the cows retreating forms.

Vindicatio then took off after the cows and calves repeating the process, he was killing for fun rather than for survival. He took great pleasure in snapping the calves' necks as though they were tiny twigs. He dragged the bodies back and tossed them next to the bull. His pink tongue escaped his sharp tooth inhabited mouth to run over his blood-covered jowls. His eyes twinkled, filled with blood lust.

He dove his head down and divulged in his feast, meat tearing from bone as he ate the carcasses bare. He left few scraps for smaller predators, he was greedy and selfish as he tossed the bull's bones aside and began on the cows. Upon finishing the last calf, Vindicatio let out a yawn. He was full and exhausted. He felt his beastly form slipping away leaving him naked, covered in elk blood on the forest floor.

He looked down at his drenched hands flexing and relaxing the digits, engrossed. He looked down his see his bronze skin was also coated with blood splatters. He pushed himself from the ground and followed the sound of rushing water. He traveled down the stream a bit until he came across a deep pool with calmer waters. He knelt and took in his reflection. He looked like a beast well-fed, but he guessed that in the eyes of human's he'd look like a deranged lunatic. Blood ran from his mouth down his chin, his neck to his sculpted chest. He dove headfirst into the pool, he popped back up a few seconds later beginning to rub away the dried blood, the water held a reddish tint by the time he was done. He climbed out and continued walking on, his instincts were now screaming at him to go west.

He continued until his eyes began to droop and his pace began to slow. He found a bed of flattened down vegetation undoubtedly an old moose bed. He laid down and looked up at the tree branch infested sky that was only made visible in small openings between thick leaves and clustered needles. His eyes fluttered shut, the faint babbling of a nearby creek lulling him to sleep...

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