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"Break me
Tear my bones apart
I don't really need 'em
Take me
Throw me in a cage
Rip away my freedom
As long as they're okay
I'd do it all again
I'd do it all for them..."

-Michl, I'd Do It All Again




VINDICATIO's eyes opened slowly before shutting again and opening fully. He felt drained and tired, he felt... He wasn't sure what he felt. His conscience was swirling with mixed emotions which triggered mixed signals. Was he relieved? Was he sad? Happy? Did he feel like he did the right thing? Was he selfish? Yes.

He was selfish.

He gritted his teeth, clenching his fists. He hated the feeling that selfishness brought. It made him feel disgusting, lonely, unworthy. Miserable.

Ettore was selfless. He sacrificed himself to give Vindicatio his life. Evanora had been right, Ettore had managed to gain his own soul. 

He felt empty. Like something important was missing.

His eyes finally landed on Ambrosia who was still on the floor, out cold, the other White Rogues were watching her closely eyeing each other warily. Her gnarly scar had begun to shrink and her skin was starting to get a rosy hue to its paleness.

He watched as she sat up, gasping for air. She studied her hands, then touched her face.

"I'm going to be beautiful again. He will want me again," she mumbled to herself, the White Rogues just stared at her. "Well what are you waiting for?! Fetch me something reflective!" One took off with a clay pot. And within seconds it was back and the bowl was filled with water. It set it down in front of Ambrosia and she studied her reflection in it, the silver moon was in the right position to cast light into the cave. "I'm nearly perfect again. Just my eye." She turned to Vindicatio, "that life force wasn't strong enough!"

"I don't know what to tell you," he replied, focused on the feelings hindering him from thinking straight.

"Give me yours! Or else I'll hurt them! I'll kill them!"

"We already made our deal, Ambrosia. I'm not giving you anything more, and you're not going to hurt or kill anyone."

"You're the one tied up. I'd shut up if I were you, I'm in the power position now."

"I really couldn't give a fuck about your so-called 'power position'," he narrowed his eyes. Maybe he could be selfless like Ettore... to ensure their safety... But wouldn't he still be selfish because Ettore would have then died in vain? He'd cause Syretia pain. He'd cause Sebastian pain.

He had to think of something. And he needed to think of it fast.

"You really should give a fuck," she snarled out, wrapping her hands around his throat.

"I'm not into powerplay, Ambrosia. Take your hands from my neck. What would he think of you right now? Whilst threatening to kill a man for your own selfish gain," Vindicatio narrowed his eyes at her as his face twisted into an ugly scowl.

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