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"I'll be the end of your affinity to cut and run

You'll be the map I read to heal and get me through this one

You feel your way to the mountain passes there I lay

You use your body like a compass lead me to the sky

Find a way..."

Yoke Lore, Cut and Run

Yoke Lore, Cut and Run

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VINDICATIO awoke with a start, gasping for air. His eyes frantically searched around the cave he was in, the pitch blackness appearing only dimly lit with his enhanced eyesight. He tried to push himself from the chair he was currently sitting on, wincing as his sore muscles protested against the movement. He yanked harder trying to get his wrists and hands to slip from the metal they were bound by. His leg slid forward, he paused as he was greeted with the sounds of chains dragging across the ground.

"Fucking great," he growled to himself.

"I see you're awake," a woman's voice said from behind him, he tried to look back over his shoulder but the movement was futile, the muscles were too sore to permit him to turn it any further than partway.

"You killed Salvatore," she continued, before stopping in front of him, a white cloak concealing her identity. She dropped the hood and immediately Vindicatio noted that she resembled the grotesque leader of the White Rogues that he had assumed was male. She would've been almost pretty if it weren't for the gnarly scar that ran down her face, her all-white right eye that was undoubtedly blinded when said scar was made. And the fact that her face was twisted into a sadistic expression. She had bright, white hair that reached her hips. Her skin was pale and deathly looking. A group of White Rogues filed in behind her, still in wolf form, snarling and snapping their jaws as they circled Vindicatio.

"And?" He asked, yawning. "Who are you exactly?"

"Ambrosia. The leader of the White Rogues," she scowled, her one bright, blue eye furious.

"I thought you were a male," he laughed to himself. She let out a snarl as she reeled back her arm and slapped Vindicatio across the face, sending his face to turn to the right. He moved his jaw around, popping it back into place as he spat out some blood.

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