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The golden rays of the rising sun began to seep into the mouth of the cave causing everyone to stir in their slumber. Vindicatio was the first one up, his eyes squinting at the bright light as he exited the mouth of the dark cave, the olive green shorts hung from his mouth. He shook out his fur and stretched out his stiff limbs and bunched up muscles. He shifted into his human form slipping on the shorts in a fluid movement. The sun's rays already warming him up as it kissed his bronzed skin.

He ran a hand through his messy, dark hair as he walked towards the tall grass, the mossy ground was cool and soft against the soles of his feet. He slid down a grass-covered slope and stopped at a pool of crystal blue water, the waterfall was a bit upstream from where the cave was. He wasted no time as he dropped the shorts to his ankles and stepped out of them, wading into the water. The water came up to his broad shoulders in the middle of the pool, the frigid temperature didn't phase him. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and dunked under.

He opened his eyes, looking around at the fish that swam around him. At any sudden movement, they'd flee but then slowly, but surely they returned and resumed what they were previously doing. Vindicatio could hear muffled voices from above. Two males, two females. He couldn't make out what they were saying but he could hear them growing closer.

The fish swam away as a pair of feet trampled into the water with no care in the world. Vindicatio pushed himself back up to the surface taking in a large inhale of breath to replenish his lungs.

"So this is where you disappeared to," his eyes connected with Odessa's as she waded closer.

"The water is refreshing in the morning," he commented, keeping his eyes trained on hers.

"It's freezing cold," she chattered slightly, "I thought it'd be warmer since you were fully submerged."

"It's freezing for you?" He assumed it would feel about the same as it did for him. He ran a hand through his wet hair slicking it back.

"Feels like an ice bath," she rubbed her hands on her upper arms. "I'm going to get out, we'll be up in the clearing whenever you're ready." She turned around and made her way to the shore stepping out easily. It was from pure curiosity that Vindicatio caught himself studying her lithe figure as she slipped her dress over her head as she walked away. He had never been able to appreciate the curves that came along with a woman's body. He tore his gaze away, slamming his hand against the water before cursing himself under his breath.

Vindicatio entered the clearing to see the group talking as they waited for him to join them.

"Finally!" Chaska drawled out in exasperation. Vindicatio held a stoic look on his face, narrowing his eyes at Chaska. Chaska averted his gaze to Odessa, "we're almost there. We should be there by dawn, don't you think?" She simply nodded gazing at Vindicatio from the corner of her eye. Vindicatio rolled his shoulders before crossing his arms. There was something about him that exuded power. Like he was some high rank. She studied him as though the answer would just jump out and present itself.

"Let's get moving then," Vindicatio stated before shifting into his massive wolf form, the others followed in suit. Odessa eyed him, he seemed to have had a change in demeanor. He seemed more serious and in charge than he had earlier.

They ran at a leisurely pace, Vindicatio could've left them in the dust; but he reigned himself in with the fact that they were the ones that knew the way and he was supposed to be the follower, not the leader. Much to his displeasure.

They broke through a thick barrier of tall grass of the riparian area before colliding with the cold water of a stream, the chilling water droplets colliding against their fur as they ran through it, unphased. Vindicatio followed behind by a few paces, the water sloshing around with each of his strides.

The group ahead of him thought they were aiding him in returning him home, but little did they know that they were jump-starting his vendetta

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The group ahead of him thought they were aiding him in returning him home, but little did they know that they were jump-starting his vendetta.

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