Duff McKagan

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Well, I finally made a cover for this book, and I gotta say it took forever to get it right. I had to keep changing it to see how it looked and fit, and to be honest I'm not 100% satisfied with the result, but I do like it. I hope you guys like it, too! Here is the original...

 I hope you guys like it, too! Here is the original

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Wasn't meant to be, I guess. And now, without further ado, this chapter!

I looked from the door to the bar, anxiously waiting for the band to take the stage. This wasn't going to be just another performance at the bar, I could feel it. Mostly because Duff was in the band and I held high expectations for him, but given that I'd heard him playing for hours on end, that wasn't unreasonable.

I looked up when I noticed a movement near the curtains. I watched as the band Duff had introduced me to an hour before walk onstage. There was Axl, Slash, Izzy, Steven, and Duff himself. I whistled and cheered with the crowd and waved when Duff's eyes scanned up and down the rows of people. They landed on me and he grinned and waved with his hand by his leg.

An introduction was said by Axl, and then they started playing. They were really good; I could tell the entire place was feeling their music. They played covers of a few songs, then a few they named as originals.

I watched with fascination as their sound rocked the place. They were all great musicians.

I kept an watch on Duff specifically, constantly watching him out of the corner of my eye. He was obviously enjoying himself, making little moves left and right that showed he was really feeling his groove.

The show was over a while later, and I watched, a little shocked, as Duff put his bass down on the stage and jumped off to join me at my table. I laughed and hugged him, happy he had chosen to come talk to me.

"Hey, Duff," I greeted, ruffling his hair a little. "Great show."

"Thanks," he said, patting his hair back into place. "Did you like it?"

"Duh," I rolled my eyes. "God, you guys sound good. Like a real band."

"Thanks a lot," it was Duff's turn to roll his eyes. "Good to know we sound like a real band."

"That's not what I meant," I laughed at his huffy attitude. "I mean... I think you guys are gonna be big. Rising stars, the 5 of you."

Duff grinned and opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by Izzy calling for him to get his bass off the stage. He promised to come back, then rushed away.

I hadn't been sitting alone for long when someone else joined me. I looked up and my eyes met Axl Rose's, and he gave me a small grin.

"Hey, (Y/N). Did you like the show?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Absolutely. I was just telling Duff how I think you guys are really gonna make it big."

"Thanks," he grinned. "I think it's just the chemistry we've got as a band."

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