Richie Sambora x Jon Bon Jovi

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~ The Love Story With The Most Irritating and Frustrating Ending Ever ~

"Good show, guys," one of the security workers said as we passes by. I nodded in thanks, holding my guitar close to my body as we walked through the narrow hallway.

Another pair of feet joined us, letting us know that Jon was finally done yelling goodnight to the crowd and was now hurrying alone behind us.

"What took ya so long?" David asked.

"Nothin'," he responded, smiling. "Let's go, don't wanna miss the bus."

We laughed, knowing damn well there would be limos waiting for us outside. But we hurried anyway, not wanting to keep the drivers waiting.

They took us to our hotel, where we promptly headed to my room and began celebrating the completion of another great show. I played a few fast-paced tunes on my guitar, to which Tico played along to on a chair with his drumsticks.

We were pretty tired after the show, though, and we had another show the day after. So we decided to go to bed early. We all had separate rooms, and Alec, Tico, and David headed off to their own rooms. Jon, however, stayed behind.

"What happened to going to sleep early?"

"Ah, we're the toughest of the group. We don't have to."

I laughed and shook my head, then jumped backwards onto my bed. "Stay as long as you want."

He flopped down backwards onto my outstretched legs, then stretched his arms out over his head for a moment. He suddenly turned his head to me and pointed at my head with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked, laughing at his antics.

"I dunno," he said, facing the ceiling again and laughing. "What do you wanna do?"

I took up my guitar. "Sing."

I played the opening of a Tom Petty song I knew he liked, and he began singing along.

Before I even knew it, it was three in the morning. We'd been singing and playing for hours, with the last hour spent making jokes and talking about anything we could think of.

More than a few times I found myself looking a little too deeply into his eyes, and I had to shake my head now and then to regain my bearings. What was wrong with me? I was suddenly seeing him the way I imagined most of our fans saw him-- kinda... dreamy, in a word. It felt weird. I wasn't sure if I liked that feeling.


The month following that night was a strange one. I had developed what could be called an obsession with Jon. I told nobody of this, fearing they wouldn't understand, but above all worried it would get back to him. I couldn't let him find out. He might kick me out of the band.

I still couldn't figure out exactly what it was. Was I in love with him? I thought of him 24/7 now. It was like my heart was yelling something at me, trying to point out the obviousness of this all, but my mind was refusing to listen.

So I ignored it. I still caught myself staring at him a little too long and daydreaming about him when I was alone. But for the most part I kept it all tamped down.

Until one night not two months after that one night.

We had just finished another show, and Jon was gleefully hurrying back from the other side of the stage, where he'd been waving at fans. He saw me and picked up the pace, and upon reaching me grabbed my face and kissed my cheek.

I managed to act completely naturally, laughing and following him off the stage, but on the inside I was exploding.

I felt so giddy as we paraded down the street to the hotel, which was only a block away. We skipped and ran along like kids. Of course, I had a little more skip in my step than usual, for obvious reasons.

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