Rick Savage

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Requested by and dedicated to JamieVanHalen

~ The Best Job ~

I consider myself lucky. Yes, very lucky indeed. I have the best job in the world-- I get to talk to the members of my favorite bands, and I get paid for it. Yeah, being a journalist rocks.

I knew I had made the right career choice when I went into work one awful Monday morning. I'd spilled my coffee on my hand, and it had left a horrible red burn. I was wearing the same pair of pants I had worn yesterday, and my hair must've looked like a rat's nest. And to top it all off, I'd missed my bus that morning and had had to wait an extra forty-five minutes.

"(L/N)!" My boss barked upon seeing me. "Mind telling me where the hell you've been all morning?"

"I'm sorry, I really am. I just missed-"

"Save it. I've got a new assignment and I need someone on it. Are you up for it?"

I was tempted to say no, because I didn't like being interrupted and I honestly wasn't in the mood for another assignment. I already had to write up a bunch of interviews for publishing. However, I couldn't turn it down; it might be something fun.

"Yeah, I've got room for more. What is it?"

"We got an interview with Def Leppard. None of the other fields are available, so it goes to you if you want it."

The burn on my hand was healed. I liked my pants anyway, and what my hair looked like today didn't even matter. I had enjoyed waiting for that bus.

"Def- Def- Lef Deppard- Def Leppard?"

"Yes," my boss confirmed. "I take it you want that interview?"

"Are you kidding me? I'd pay you to let me do it! Of course I want it!"

"Good. It's tomorrow at 11 a.m., at the arena they're supposed to play at-- use the pass, they'll be expecting you. Don't be late, don't act stupid, don't get off-script. Got it?"

I nodded. I must've had stars in my eyes, because she gave me a weird look before walking off.

My boss had given me an interview with Def Leppard. Now that had to be more than luck. A chance to meet the guys in my absolute favorite band? I'd known the perks of the job when I'd taken it, but I never thought I would get this far.

I even had to rehearse what I was going to say to them. Being who I was, I wasn't exactly allowed to spend the entire interview telling them what a big fan I was. All I could do was ask the usual questions. But how on Earth did my boss expect me-- or anyone for that matter-- to stick to the script? This was Def Leppard, for goodness' sake. Lots of people would give an arm and a leg to meet them. And here I was, about to do just that, and all I was going to be able to do was ask them what their future plans were (not that I didn't care, but I would rather ask Rick Savage if he was seeing anyone).

I went to bed that night full of excitement and anticipation. I'd been given the chance of a lifetime, and I'd be a fool not to take advantage of it.


I showed up at the arena the next day at 10:30 a.m. I made my way inside by flashing my journalist's pass at every security guard I met and letting them know I had an interview scheduled. Once inside, I just had to find the band.

"Hello there," a male voice said from behind me. I whirled around to face the person, seeing yet another security guard had been standing behind me. "You lost?"

"A little, actually. See, I've got an interview with Def Leppard-"

"Yeah, all the crazy fans say that."

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