Nikki Sixx

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requested by and dedicated to RockNRoller666
also took a while, i literally have no clue how this request is a month old. but here it is, hope i did it right!

~ Bad Dreams ~

I awoke with a start, my heart pounding and my hair sticking to my sweating forehead. My breathing was heavy and panicked, and it had quite a right to be. I'd been having bad nightmares lately, but nothing had ever compared to that. Jeez, it was awful.

Minutes passed, and I still hadn't calmed down. I was so freaked out I decided to just give in to my most basic instinct and call Nikki.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay? What's going on? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Yeah, two in the morning. What, He Who Doesn't Sleep was sleeping for once?"

"Uh, yeah, actually. Seriously, is something wrong?"

"Well... I..." Now the whole thing seemed kind of silly. Hearing his voice had calmed me down, and it no longer seemed like that big a deal.

Suddenly, part of my dream flashed before my eyes, and it was so vivid and disturbing that I shivered and was thrown back into my terror. "I had a dream."

"So what's your point, Martin Luther King Jr.?"

"Really, Nikki. It was really bad. I just... wanted to hear your voice, I guess."

"Aw, well you heard it, now go back to sleep."


I heard him softly sigh before asking, "are you okay?"

"I-I don't know. It was really scary."

"You wanna tell me what it was about?"

I spent the next ten minutes describing in detail what the nightmare had been like, and when I was done he didn't speak for several moments.


"My God, (Y/N), I'm sorry you dreamed that. That's fucking terrible."

"Yeah, um, I don't really want to go back to sleep. I don't wanna risk having to see it again."

"You won't. Just... think good thoughts?"

"That doesn't work. I keep having these stupid bad dreams, and nothing works to get rid of them."

He sighed again. "I'll be there in ten minutes."

Nikki actually got there in nine, but it's not like I was going to complain. There was a light knock on my door and I opened it to an adorable sight. Nikki was standing there in a Mötley Crüe T-shirt and striped pajama pants, holding a black blanket and rubbing his left eye. His hair was less frazzled than it usually was, but still pretty messy. He looked like a kid.

"Hey, we're twins," he said with a yawn, pointing to my shirt. I was wearing a Mötley Crüe shirt as well.

"Yeah," I laughed. Then I looked down and noticed he was wearing socks but not shoes. "Why don't you have any shoes on?"

"I couldn't find them. Quit checking me out. Actually, quit judging me."

"I wasn't-- never mind. Come on, don't just stand out there like a weirdo. Thanks for coming, by the way."

"What is this, a social gathering? Okay, I'm gonna close my eyes now. Just lead me to your room. Man, I'm tired..."

He actually closed his eyes, and I rolled my own before grabbing his arm and pulling him into my room. He opened his eyes only to look for the bed, then crashed down on it and wrapped his blanket around himself. I laughed when I noticed it had the Mötley Crüe logo on the back.

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