Nikki Sixx

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requested by and dedicated to NikkiSixxsDoll

@ everyone else who has requested one: they're coming soon, i promise! i've said that tons of times before but i've got a lot of free time now and i'm gonna be updating this book more often. i'm also guilty of ignoring it just a bit; School Of Rock is just so much fun to write! anyway, that's it from me. on to the imagine!


An hour after I first started preparing to leave, I was finally ready. My outfit was perfect and my hair looked good. Yes, I was all good to go.

"Kay! You done yet?" Nikki shouted from the living room.

"Yeah!" I yelled back, looking in the mirror one last time. Feeling confident enough, I walked out to meet him so we could leave.

"Hey, you look great," Nikki said. He stood up and grabbed my hands, kissing me on the forehead before moving to open the front door. "Ready?"

I nodded and walked out as he held the door open for me. The sky was a very pretty shade of blue and the sun was shining brightly. Birds were freely hopping around the ground, not seeming to have any cares in the world. They turned their tails as their feet bounced up, almost as if in beat to a song. "Aw, what a nice day."

Nikki came up from behind and wrapped his arms around me, pressing a kiss to the side of my head. "It's got nothing on you."

"Don't get cheesy on me now," I laughed, turning to kiss his cheek. He grinned and shook his head as he opened the car door for me.

We aimlessly drove around for a bit, soaking up the prettiest part of the day as well as each other's presence. I warned Nikki more than once that we were going to be late for the concert he was supposed to be performing at, but he insisted we had plenty of time.

"Don't worry about it, baby doll," he'd say as he turned onto another random street, only making himself even more late than he would've been.

"I hope you remember these moments when the band is mad at you for being so late," I said.

"I'm gonna remember these moments anyway," he replied, practically mumbling the words.

"What? Why?"

He looked over at me as if I'd just asked some random intrusive question, so I folded my arms and shook my head as if to say 'disregard that.' I looked straight ahead, noting that we were now actually on our way to the show.

"Finally decided your job is at least a little important?"

"Maybe a little," Nikki grinned. "That and I don't want you to be mad at me."

"I wouldn't be mad, Nikki, I'm just saying for your sake."

"Oh, okay. In that case-" he suddenly turned the wheel so violently that I almost hit the door.

"Nikki, what the hell?"

He'd pulled into some parking lot that I had yet to recognize. I looked up at the shop it belonged to and instantly forgot about the show. It was the lovely little ice cream parlor we'd had our first real date at. That had been a long time ago, but I remembered it vividly. It was especially sweet because it was the first time I'd seen Nikki actually look nervous.

"C'mon," he said, getting out of the car. "We have time."

I got out as well and followed him into the shop.

"Wait here," he said, and I sat down at one of the tables. I looked around, more and more memories coming to me as I did. Nikki was wearing a blue button-up that day, the first button open and the sleeves rolled up. He'd looked hot and adorable at the same time; I didn't even know that was possible. But if I had, then I would've guessed Nikki was one of the people most capable of achieving such a look.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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