Vince Neil

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Requested by and dedicated to JamieVanHalen

~ No Mistakes, Just Happy Accidents ~

My head was killing me before I even opened my eyes. It felt like I'd gotten whacked with a sledgehammer the night before; my skull surely had to be cracked from the amount of pain I was feeling.

My eyelids were tinted red, meaning it was morning. Also meaning I should get up. I opened my eyes, my headache intensifying upon being greeted by the sunlight streaming in through the window.

Wait... I didn't recognize that window. Nor that room. Sure, I could barely see, but I knew that was not my room.

I rubbed my eyes and blinked several times. Where was I? Who-- who was breathing next to me?

I slowly turned, and to my horror, found a man lying next to me on the bed. I couldn't see his face. Who the hell was that? What had happened the day before?

I tried my best to remember something, anything. Nothing came of it; I felt lucky that I remembered my own name. I sat up fully, noting I was still wearing my clothes. That was a good sign.

The man next to me stirred, then turned onto his back and slowly opened his eyes. I took one look at his face and almost screamed.


His eyes widened to the size of saucepans, then slid over to me.

"(Y/N), wha- huh?" He sat up. "What's going on?"

"I don't know. I can't remember anything from yesterday."

"Y-yeah, me neither," he said, his eyes searching the sheets in confusion. "Where are we?"

"Some kind of hotel, I think."

Vince looked around and nodded. "I- we should get up."

I agreed and shifted out from under the sheets, turning to sit on the edge of the bed with my back to him.

"Hey, (Y/N), ya might... I don't know if... I think-"

"Just spit it out," I turned back to face him.

He held out his left hand. On the ring finger was what looked like a wedding ring.

"So what?"

"Whaddaya mean 'so what'? Because of course, it's common knowledge that I am married. That wasn't there before yesterday, jackhead."

"Alright, and how does it concern me?"

He groaned. "Just check your left hand."

I looked down at my hand, which was numb because of the way I had slept on it. Settled on my index finger was a ring appearing to be a match with Vince's.

Shit. The memories came flooding back in that moment, washing over me and continuing to stampede through my brain at alarming rates.

"Wait... I remember what happened."

* The Day Before *

I sat with my drink in my hand, waiting for the slightest bit of excitement. I'd been here for over an hour, slowly getting more and more drunk. This was so lame.

I was about to call up a taxi to take me home when a man plunked himself down the seat across from me.

"Vince? What are you doing here?" Now this was awkward. First of all, what was he doing in Las Vegas? I was here on vacation, what was his excuse? Second, Vince was my ex-boyfriend. What did he think he was doing just casually sitting there?

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