Roger Daltrey

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Requested by and dedicated to pasqualonely

~ Love, Reign o'er Me ~

Five minutes before four o'clock, I still wasn't ready to go. I had waited until the last second to shower and get dressed, and now here I was, rushing to tie my shoes. Roger had said to dress casually and warmly, so I did just that.

I was excited. And a little nervous. We'd been dating for three years now, and he'd almost always told me where our dates were going to take place. Why was today different? Was it because it was Valentine's day? Probably. Last time it had been a surprise was my birthday, and that quack had taken me to the market to show me a canned peas display he liked. Not that I hadn't enjoyed that, but it made me realize I truly had no idea what it could possibly be.

There was a knock on my door not long after I finished getting ready. I stood up and crossed the living room to open it, and there was Roger, holding a single purple flower.

"Hello, love. This is for you. Happy Valentine's Day." He held it out.

"Hey, Roger, thank you, and happy Valentine's Day. Do you want to come in for a moment?" I asked, taking the flower and admiring it.

"I'd love to, but we should be off. I've got a bunch of places I want us to get to."

"Alright then, give me one moment." I went to the kitchen and added the flower to a vase full of the others he'd brought me. "Ready. Where are we going?"

We stepped out of my flat and he spoke as I locked it. "Shan't tell you, you'll just have to wait and see."

"Fine, be that way. Let's go."

We went down the stairs and hopped into his car. I was still wondering where we were going, but I decided to drop the thought. I knew I'd never guess; instead I settled for watching the snowflakes fall against the window.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" Roger looked at me for a second.

"Yeah, it is. The snow is nice."

"Not as nice as you."

"Shut up," I laughed, making him grin. "Seriously, tell me where we're going. I can't figure it out though I've been trying to for hours. I'm going slightly mad."

"And I seriously won't tell you. Come on, it's a surprise. Do you want me to ruin it?"

"Yes, if it gives me some peace of mind."

"Too bad. I guess you'll have to go mad."

"And then you say you care for me," I huffed, turning to look at the snow again.

"Don't you ever doubt it," he shook a finger at me, and we both laughed.

He pulled the car to a stop, and it took me a second of looking around to notice we were at the park.

"The park? This was the huge surprise?"

"First of all, that hurt my feelings. Second, it's not the only place we're going to. Third, hold on a moment, it'll be fun."

"Okay, I'm sorry, I take it back. Let's go then."

Roger nodded and handed me a pair of snow-mittens. "Here, you'll need these."

"Thank you. Now my hands won't freeze," I said as he stepped out of the car.

"Right. Hurry up now."

"I'm going!" I stepped out as well, following him into the park.

"Here, this is a prime spot."

"For what?"

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