Sebastian Bach

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requested by and dedicated to rock-n-roll-soul


"Can you believe they're getting married? I still can't. You know what else I can't believe? The fact that you and I have to do all the work. I thought this was gonna be a fun job. I thought all we had to do was pass 'em the rings. But no, here we are picking flowers and—"

"Calm down, this is an honor. I'm glad I was chosen to do this and you should be too."

"I'm not saying I'm not. All I'm saying is I would've liked a heads-up about what accepting this job entails."

"Shut up, Baz. And you... why are you even here? You don't have to be. I was the one chosen to do this stuff, so you don't have to be involved at all."

"Yeah, I know," Sebastian said, giving me a wide grin. "I just wanted to bother you."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help grinning back. He was the one who had shown up at my door that morning and made me hurry through getting ready for a day of shopping for our friends' wedding. "You are such a child. Now stop complaining and make yourself useful. Should we go with white, red, or both?"

"Um, neither."

I stared at him and waited for him to give an explanation, but he didn't. All he did was stare back.

"Well? Why?"

"Oh, you wanted the full analysis. I mean they're both good colors, it's just that... white is so overused in weddings and red doesn't even mean anything anymore."

"White is traditional and of course red still has meaning. I see your point, though. Well, the reception theme hasn't even been chosen, so what do you suggest?"

He put his hands behind his back and looked around the shop for a moment before pointing toward a display.


"Yeah, why not? If we get dark blue to go with it it'll be like a midnight theme or whatever... Romantic, isn't it?"

"That's actually kind of a good idea. How'd you even come up with it? You don't have a romantic bone in your body."

"First of all, ouch. Second, I have an eye for fabulousness, okay?"

"Alright then, Mr. Fab. Find some more colors you think would be good so we have a variety of choices."

He accepted the task and set to work inspecting the shop and what it had to offer. Having the eye he did, he did manage to find some other nice combinations, but in the end we went with the purple and dark blue. The reception was going to be held in a darkened room anyway, not to mention the fact that it would all take place in the evening.

"Now what?" Sebastian asked when we were back on the street. "Let me guess: we have to get streamers."

"Yes." I deadpanned.

He turned to me and blinked several times. "Please tell me you're joking."

"Of course I am." He let out a laugh tinged with relief before I continued. "We have to get goody bags."

"I swear—"

"Just kidding," I laughed, "you should see your face. Seriously, we have to get the centerpieces for the tables. That's... uptown. Come on."

That took a little longer than choosing flowers had, but with Baz's help it wasn't too bad. We kept up the midnight theme and picked designs with crescent moons and little stars. Once that was done, we moved on to tablecloth sets, and that was a breeze.

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