Duff McKagan

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Requested by and dedicated to Tolkienite3791

~ Best Friends And The Joys Of Having One ~

You know, best friends are some of the greatest gifts we will ever receive in life. They are a blessing bestowed upon us by the highest powers we can believe in; our own gods, fate, coincidence, dumb luck-- whichever it may be. Best friends are there for us just as we must be there for them, and we make some of the best memories we will ever make with them by our sides.

Which is why I simply couldn't believe mine was such a CURSE! I loved my best friend to death, and he had been there for me in my best and worst moments, but sweet milk in the pitcher, sometimes I could just KILL him.

"Thanks for the ride, (Y/N), I r-really appreciate it. You have a nice car."

He was high off his ass right then. He didn't even realize that we were on my motorcycle, not in my car, because that was in the shop from when he accidentally crashed it into a brick wall the week before.

"Ohhh, shit. I just realized we're on a bike. No wonder the wind is so strong. Your hair tastes marvelous, by the way, I'm enjoying having it in my face."

Well, he figured that out, but he didn't seem to have figured out that I could toss him off the bike at any moment.

"Shut up and just hold on, Duff. I'm taking you to my place for the night because you clearly can't look after yourself."

"'You clearly can't look after yourself,'" he mocked in a high-pitched voice, then mumbled, "I can look after myself."

"No, you can't. And don't try jumping off at the next light, either, because I will run over you."

"You wouldn't."

"Right. I'll just run the lights so you don't get the chance."

"You wouldn't."

"Don't do it and that's that."

I heard him give a little sigh before resting his head on my left shoulder so I could feel him nodding his agreement. I thought he would move his head then, but he didn't. I drew the quick conclusion that he must've fallen asleep in his cross-faded state. I turned my head to look at him, but his eyes were open. He moved his head to the left a little and turned it to look directly into my eyes. I couldn't help but grin and turn my head back to the road so he could settle his head again.

He had really nice eyes.

We made it to my place with no further complications, which I had almost expected because neither of us were wearing helmets (it's a long story). Duff almost fell as he got off the bike. I laughed and stood up and grabbed his arm. I lifted it and put myself under it, then wrapped it around myself so I could help him walk. Of course, I had to hold his hand for that to work, and of course, he had something to say about that.

"If you wanted to hold hands, you could've just asked," he said, looking down and grinning, moving his eyebrows up and down twice.

I didn't say anything, but as soon as we were in an empty hallway, I kicked his foot to make him stumble. That wasn't a good idea. He couldn't catch himself, and I wasn't strong enough to hold him up by myself. Unable to get out from under his arm in time, I fell with him. He turned on his back, and of course I just had to fall on top of him.

"Well, that one's new," he said, his face inches from mine. His eyes were relaxed and he had a little smile on his lips, but I had a more scandalized reaction.

"Jeez, Duff, you are drunk and high as hell."

"If I'm high, shouldn't it be 'as heaven'?"

"Shut up," I said, sitting up. Unfortunately, that put me in a very awkward position, and it was at that moment that one of my neighbors happened to walk by.

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