Axl Rose

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requested by and dedicated to kiichirose
i hope you like it!

~ Halloween (personalized) ~

It was a chilly night, and rightfully so. The end of October is not very well known for its warmth. And this wasn't just any day in the latter half of the autumn month; it was the last. A day known as Halloween.

I rubbed my arms as I walked through the field, the icy air making clouds of my breath as I exhaled. It was colder than it should be, considering it wasn't actually winter yet. I was glad I'd had the sense to bring a jacket-- something my companion clearly lacked.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked him as we trekked through the tall grass.

"Not really," he replied, shrugging. "Don't worry, it'll be warm in the house. You won't be freezing in there."

I sure hoped I wouldn't be. Axl may have had the tolerance of a polar bear, but I got cold in sixty-degree weather.

We finally made it out of the field surrounding the large house. Creepy music was playing from somewhere inside. High-pitched shouts rang through the air as children ran around, playing in the edges of the tall grass and scaring each other. Axl and I took a spot in the line for the house, me still rubbing my arms and him looking around at the playing kids.

"You don't think it'll actually be really scary, do you?"

"Becca, I'm not paying the entrance just to come out without having gotten so scared I almost pissed myself."

I laughed at his choice of words and lightly shoved his shoulder. "Right, of course not. But you remember there's a kids' section and another for adults, so before you start complaining about how not-scary it was, make sure we've gone through every part."

"Yeah, I know. Seriously though, I don't think it'll be super scary; it's a haunted house. They're supposed to be fun-scary, not traumatic experiences."

"You have a point. Get ready, we get to go in soon."

"I know. And just remember, if you get really scared, I'm right here," Axl said as we finally made it to the front of the line. He paid both fees and we headed into the haunted house.

"Yeah, same goes for you," I told him. Internally, I knew I was probably going to get scared, but I didn't have to let him know that just yet.

He laughed and nudged my arm. "Sure, thanks."

I nodded and pointed to something above his head. He turned and saw the ugly little bat hanging from the ceiling, then turned back toward me with an amused expression on his face.

"That's terrifying, isn't it? Damn, I think we should turn around. If it stays at that level of fright-inducing, I don't think I'll be able to handle it."

"I don't think you will," I laughed, "let's get out."

"Uh-huh. The way out is through here." He gestured toward the rest of the haunted house.

"Smart." I noticed a flight of stairs leading to an upper floor. "Come on, that's gotta lead somewhere."

"Right behind you."

That was a bad idea on his part, because I had no sense of direction in the dark house and was really just following other lost people. We went through the kids' part of the haunted house about four times before he decided to take over.

With him as the leader, we quickly made it past the children's section and into the darker part of the house. That was a trip, because it was already plenty dark in the upper section. Now we were in some kind of underground tunnel, and as the ground gently sloped downward I felt the cold rising.

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