Steven Adler

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Requested by and dedicated to JamieVanHalen

~ Adventures in the Studio~

Today was going to be a great day. Slash had promised me a lot of fun involving only the two of us. He was my best friend, but ever since he had joined Guns N' Roses he'd had less and less time to hang out.

My thoughts drifted as I put on a decent outfit. It was now 2 in the afternoon; he should be done recording. What were we going to do? Go to the park? Movies? Hit the Sunset Strip? The possibilities were endless and I was very excited.

I drove for a while to get to the studio he'd told me to meet him at. I knew Guns was popular and was recording in there, so it was pretty cool getting to see it.

I let myself in, not sure what to do once I got inside. I didn't think I would make it this far... I expected some security guard to come and toss me out. That didn't happen, though, so I took a few cautious steps down the hall to try to find the band.

I heard the sounds of music being played. Was that them? If so, they were really good. I'd never heard anything like it... And I approved.

I decided to just wait and took a seat out in the main room. A little while later, a familiar face rounded the corner and spotted me.

"Hey!" I said, jumping up to hug him. He hugged me back and gave me an apologetic look.

"Hey, (Y/N). Look, I know I said we'd have a lot of the day to hang out, but this is taking longer than I thought it would. Please don't be mad, I really thought it wouldn't drag on for this long."

I sighed, disappointed but not surprised. "How much longer is it going to take?"

"One or two hours," he replied.

"I'll wait." It was a good thing I had brought my cassette tape player.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, now get back in there and hurry up."

He nodded and turned to walk back, then seemed to remember something.

"Come sit in one of the rooms. It's nicer."

I shrugged and got up. He led me to one of the rooms in the back. Inside was a set of drums, several guitars, bass guitars, a keyboard, a bunch of microphones on stands, chairs, shelves, and some other random musical items. I sat on a beanbag chair next to a shelf full of random books.

"Ya need anything?"

"Nah, I'm good," I said. "Go on now."

Slash nodded and left the room. I lay back in the chair and sighed to myself. Of course this would happen.

A few minutes later, the door opened, and a blond guy started walking in. He stopped short upon catching sight of me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know someone was in here."

"That's okay, you can stay here," I said as he was turning to leave.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to intrude on anything."

"There's nothing to intrude on," I assured him, and he smiled and took a seat near mine.

"So, what's your name?" He asked.

"(Y/N)," I replied. "What's yours?"

"Steven," he said.

My eyes narrowed a little bit. "Steven Adler?"

He shifted a little, not looking too comfortable under my gaze. "Uh-huh. That's me."

"You're one of Slash's bandmates. What the hell are you guys doing that prevents him from doing literally anything else?"

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