Izzy Stradlin

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requested by and dedicated to bellbottomsandmetal
sorry for the wait! i hope you like it :)

~ Special Occasions   (personalized) ~

Decisions, decisions, decisions... all bad ones.

How do people choose the perfect wedding dress? They're all white, so the color factor shouldn't really be a problem. It's just that they're all so beautiful-- how do people choose?

I was having the hardest time trying to pick one. Each one was prettier than the last. At least two hours had passed since I'd walked into the dress shop, and I was no closer to selecting one than when I'd started.

My thoughts wandered for a moment, landing on the man I was to marry. I had dragged him into the shop with me-- I wondered what he was doing then. I'd bet he was bored.

This dress was nice, but it was too long. The next one was too flouncy, and the one after that wasn't flouncy enough. Was I ever going to find one?

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I found a dress I thought was just right. It had just the right amount of poof and was very elegant. This was something I would want to walk down the aisle in-- it was simply beautiful. I could just picture it...

I was torn from my daydream as the curtain to my dressing room was yanked open a few inches. I jumped a little and turned around, startled at the sudden noise and movement. I grabbed my jacket and put it in front of me, covering myself and the dress with it. Well, I no longer had reason to wonder how he was doing; there was my husband-to-be.

"Izzy! What if I had been naked?"

"You take off your underwear when you try clothes on?"

"I- shut up. Wait, you can't see this dress!"

He tilted his head a little and closed his eyes tight. "Why? Is that the one you're getting?"

"Yes, and it's bad luck if you see it, so go away!"

"Seriously? Let me see." He didn't even wait before opening his eyes and taking a step back. "Move the jacket, I wanna see it."

I knew he wouldn't give up on that, so I sighed and put the jacket down. His eyes widened a little and I had to smile at the way his Adam's apple moved in a hard gulp.

"You like it?"

"You-- you look-- beautiful."

"Aw. Too bad I can't get this one anymore."

"What?" He shook his head, seeming to come out of a trance. "Why not?"

"You've seen it. It's bad luck."

"Are you for real?" He laughed. "That's the one, Lou."

"I'm sure it was," I said, looking around for the hanger. "Time to put it back now."

He moved forward and gently grabbed my arms. "Get this one, I'm serious. You won't find a better one. Screw the bad luck, that's not even real."

"Don't say that. You'll get bad luck." My words prompted a lame look from Izzy that I couldn't help but laugh at. "And fine, I'll keep this one. If I end up falling at the wedding, it'll be your fault."

"Come on, I would catch you."

"What if I was all the way across the room?"

"I would run," he said, moving a little closer to me. I fought the urge to kiss him and instead pushed him all the way out of the dressing room.

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