Chapter two: allavile and princess linn

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The space station was dull and depressing, there was nothing to do and when there was, he was never the one to do it! the poor guard looked into the cup he held in his hand as he read the readout's, at least the coffee was good.

Bellow him, about twenty four hundred thousand feet, rested the planet allavile, the seat of power for the shizan monarchy, he frowned as he remembered a rumor going around, princess linn was supposedly seeing a smuggler behind the back of her suitors! he laughed at such notions, those rumor spreaders forgot one thing, princess linn hates any and all smugglers due to her brother being killed by them.

He was shaken from his reprieve as a request to enter the space stations scanning bay came through the large monitors, he identified it and groaned, him again! what the hell did he see in this planet anyway?! "just go through" he said resigned into his radio "sure thing, it's your job though, not mine" his cocky voice said, he growled and punched the scan button, waited and shock horror, nothing.

He always found the Terren to be annoying and cocky, not to mention the over blown ego, the attention he got from the ladies only made it worse, he watched as the slim and sleek looking ship floated by, he could see the words "Star flight" written on the sides, humans were so dumb! didn't they know that machines were just that? machines, yet they insisted on naming their ships ridiculous names.....

Inside the ship he drifted lazily through the magnetic field, he felt his gun and spare clips shiver and shake, but not leave, he looked at Kis'na, who was still sulking, he smiled and turned to her "tell you what, you great big sook, you don't have to say hi, but you will clean the ship, okay?" she growled and nodded once, he smiled and patted her head "good girl" then turned back to the window.

He pulled through the planets atmosphere and began hovering waiting for a signal, that's when he spotted her, dressed in silk and a robe of dogon fur around it, she was thin and beautiful, her ears were pointed like all the high born of allavile, beside her stood her entourage and her mother.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the Terren style ring that had allavile designs in the silver work.

He also had a bunch of wild flowers that he knows she loves, earthen wattle, allavile diamond bloom and tonnophor ruby roses, all her personal favorites from last trips he took as an escort, one of the few things he did straight.

He was given the all clear to land, and as he did, he hastily made himself look good, flattening, or rather attempting to, flatten his hair, he popped a mint into his mouth and felt as it freshened his breath, there was a knock on the door, he checked himself and opened it.

At the door stood her body guard, one of the few people in on their affair, besides her mother and father "welcome back to allavile Lexan of sword, as you know I am required to check your space for any.....stollen goods" he nodded and said "the cargo holds in the very back" he nodded, and walked off.

He waited, he returned and gave him a curt nod, which Lexan returned. linn waited impatiently for her secret lover, and had to resist the huge grin that threatened her face, he knelt and presented his gifts, to which she laughed and took, gazing at them in wonder.

she drew a deep breath in as the scent of the spicy wattle, the sweet rose and the watery crispness of the bloom, she took one and applied it to her ear, and said "your gifts are welcome and well thought of Lexan of sword, they please me, and as such, I offer you the chance to walk with me and return with me from your travels" he smiled and bowed "as your highness wills, I gracefully accept" Lexan and linn walked, beside them her mother watched carefully for signs of the council.

There were armed guards everywhere and Lexan couldn't but note that the air was tense "your highness, has something happened?" she sighed and nodded sadly "a young boy was caught stealing, he was given no trial and is slated for execution" Lexan frowned "but, isn't your people renowned for fair justice? what did he steal" "an apple" she said bitterly and continued "yes, we once were a people that valued fair play over everything else, however, the new council leader alfar has deemed all theft punishable by death"

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