Chapter three: the mission

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Lexan stood before the king, who was reading a document, he obviously wasn't ready to receive him so he waited.

The king frowned heavily and sat the document down "another petition" he said sadly, he noticed Lexan and beamed, beckoning him forward he stood with arms open "my son! Welcome, I'm sorry I could not have been there at your arrival, but I had matters to attend too, come, sit and have a drink with me" Lexan smiled and sat, the king poured a glass each of iced tea, a favorite of his, and leant back.

They toasted each other and sipped their drinks, but as they sat, lexan's gambling sense kicked in, the king was troubled, it was written all over his face "your highness, you are troubled, tell me what's wrong" the king sighed and mumbled "I take it you've heard of the young boy?" Lexan nodded "I have, then am I right in guessing that that document is a petition for his release of execution?" "observant, aren't you?" the king said smiling.

"In my profession, it pays to be....I can understand why that troubles you, but there's more too it, isn't there?" The king nodded and said "yes, the you know the council was formed as a civilian voice in the kingdom, they were the voice of the people, giving advice to the king of the time and making sure the voice of the people were, I believe their motivations are darker"

"How so?" Lexan asked, refilling his drink "you need only look at my people to know that they have neglected them, they starve them and make laws that are harsh and cruel, this poor boy is the first of many, I can promise you that!" the king sounded helpless, but for the love of him, Lexan couldn't see why "surely you can intervene? your the king of the planet after all" he asked "I could, but if I do, it could spark all out aggression" here the king looked hard at him, and it clicked.

"They want the throne for themselves" Lexan said shocked "exactly" the king said "so, by you challenging them and trying to take away their power, they'll have right to over throw you, and with no male heir, they'll seize power" Lexan said awestruck "clever! they just looked like idiots to me!" the king nodded "now you know my problem, on one hand I can't let a poor child die, on the other, if I do something, they have the throne"

Lexan sipped his drink and said "I know of a way we can save the poor child's life" "how?! please, I will give you anything in return!" the kings sudden life startled Lexan, and he frowned......something wasn't right here "I need time to think it over, ill come back when it's all ready" he placed his cup down and walked off.

The minute he was gone, a flash of light revealed the elephant man, frowning and worried.


Lexan walked towards the queens chambers, knocked and waited "I am decent" came her voice "your majesty" he said kneeling "I have grave news" "more?" she moaned "you husband has been kidnapped" he said softly "don't react, just listen, I believe he is still alive, but we need to act quick, if we do this right, both lives will be saved"

The queen listened to his plan, and she nodded curtly, but stopped "how do you know I am real?" "Because my queen, in this room is a field to prevent any incursion, and to negate visual receptor fields, you are real" she nodded and walked to the bed and thought "very well, I will notify the guard, they too have grown sick of the council" "good, it would be best if linn does not-" "does not what?" came a happy voice.

He stiffened and turned to her "we, that is to say, your mother, father and I, are going to discuss something's....." "really?! like what?" wild hope was in her beautiful eyes, he was stuck, then her mother spoke "your marriage of course!" she was grinning warmly, she would have said that anyway "really?!" she cried, throwing her arms around him "oh, this is-" "ah, not so fast my daughter, we have many things to discuss before we agree"

She pouted "you already know we love each other, why must we wait?" "because marriage is a very complex thing and your father and I wish to make, if you'll excuse us, guards! form up!"


The young boy huddled in a ball, sobbing softly, beside him in the same cell sat the king, he felt rage and hopelessness, the council will pay for this! he calmed himself and said to the child "hush now young one, I'm sure we will be pardoned soon" the child's sniffles stopped a little, and he looked up, he could have been no more then ten years old "I miss my mama" "I know child, come here, and ill keep you compony"

The child crawled over and the king wrapped a big arm around his shoulder and let him use his chest as a pillow, the dungeon was dank and cold, the poor boy would have frozen to death had the king not been here.

There was no sound in the dungeon, just the endless dripping sound of a busted water main somewhere, the king sighed, and looked at the boy, he was having trouble sleeping, so the king cleared his throat and sang:

The winds blow from the mountains, they bring tide of the year

Frost is gone, sun raises, love is in the air

But rest your sweet head my child so dear, ill sing you this song, till judgement falls

Rest and be happy, rest and be calm, I will keep you, safe from all harm.

The king repeated that chorus over and over until the boy finally fell asleep, the king sighed...... "what a lovely voice you have your highness" came a startling voice "Lexan! praise the moons and the sun! what is going on? how did you find out?" "he gave it away, whoever he is, sit tight, tomorrow is the day they take the boy, but the guards have orders to take him to my ship, then, they'll let you out when all the people are gathered and expose the council of their treachery"

"Brilliant! I will enjoy this moment, everyone of their fat heads will roll!" Lexan chuckled and said "pretend you didn't see me, I have to get going" the king nodded and said "I shall pray for you my son!" he winked and dashed off.

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