Species log three: alavilieans

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Hey all! species log time!! hoorah! I decided to do the alavilieans this time, as one of the main characters is one, so sit back and read about one of the most mysterious of all the races!

Race: alavilieans

Home planet: alavile

Currency: credits, though many trade in beads that represent a favor, all you have to do is present it and the alaviliean by law has to do it, provided it isn't sexual or involves murder

Army: the alavilieans are a peaceful race, perfering to fight with pens instead of swords, however, when there is no other recourse, the alavilieans are the most blood mad soldiers that have ever walked, they call this state 'blood heat' and it scares even them.

Navy: the alavileans are one of the foremost greatest pilots that have ever lived, at the age of three a child is placed in a pilot cadet school and given five years of training, they then go onto a further four years as commercial pilots, at the age of twelve these young geniuses have more knowledge about ships and planes then any other race.

History: the history of alavile is a shadowed and ancient one, long before the creation of the Milky Way, these people lived in the korthus arm of the galaxy in the constellation of alvarus, but years upon years of war led the alavilieans to flee their ancestrial home as the system burned from the marauding beasts known as the in'stara.

Drifting for thousands of years in ageless space led many to contemplate life and the mortal world, the alavilieans meditated and, as they drifted through a cloud of rainbow colored dust, they unknowingly breathed it in, and they were given eternal youth, though they could die like any other.

Soon upon awaking, many we're amazed at how quickly they healed, how youthful they looked, and how wise they had become, they also noticed the sol constellation, and for a time studied the fascinating humans that lived there, so simple and so oblivious.

Soon, however, when humanities endless greed and lust for power began to disturb the peaceful alavileians, they moved on and discovered their new home, which they named 'alavile' after the king who led them to this wonderfully beautiful place.

As time stretched and went on its way, many were alarmed to find grey hairs and wrinkles appearing upon their once beautiful faces. it appeared that the dust they had inhaled was not permeant.

Many panicked and the council was beset by thousand upon millions of vain and self seeking people demanding an expedition to retrieve the dust.

The king refused, stating that living forever was not a blessing, that all living things must one day die, these words sparked open conflict and the peaceful alavileians engaged in barbaric civil war.

This war ended with the vain rebels being imprisoned and sentenced to life, this ushed in a new and more natural era, but to the surprise of thousands, they remained youthful until their four hundredth year, and then aged normally! the people have since then lived their semi immortal lives in peace.

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