Chapter six: raan's story

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Linn held a hand over her heart and said "don't do that!" "I apologize" the raa'ga'kid said, before turning to Lexan and asking "but who are you? why have you come to this horrid place?" "we're here to check for survivors and to find out what happened" Lexan said, holding eye contact with the strange reptilian.

"Then you have come on a fruitless mission, I am the last one alive" "what happened?" linn asked, getting over her shock "it was three days ago when we lost contact with the other ports, when a strange man arrived, asking for a place to work and rest before moving on" Lexan held up his hand and said "we'll talk once we're safe, ill cover the rear, linn, you and....." "Raan, my name is Raan" "you and Raan head back to the ship, once your there, activate the multi species atmosphere, that will allow both of you to breathe in there" she nodded and they both took off.

Kis'na looked at him through her mask, and he nodded "I heard it too" there was silence.....

Cold dark silence.....

But the stench was getting worse, but no one came around the corner, when he remembered something "the grate! kis'na! behind you" she whipped around, just in time to avoid the reaching hand that nearly closed on her tail.

Lexan shot at the hand and the poor creature howled in pain, kis'na snarled and backed away, Lexan fired off three more shots before the creature withdrew, he spun around and shot another's head as it came around the corner, he retreated back, shooting ones that appeared around a corner or in a grate.

Eventually he reached where linn stood waiting, gun at the ready. she spotted three and fired the concussion shot at the middle of them, blowing them into the walls, shrapnel embedded in them.

Lexan reached the door and killed two more before dragging both kis'na and linn in, and slamming the door shut "computer! activate auto pilot and get us outta here!" the ship started up and detached from the demolished space port then took off.


Linn checked over Raan's health check "no anomalies of the blood or tissue, only thing is your highly under nourished, I take it you've been on the run for a while?" "You would be correct miss alavile" the raa'ga'kid said after demolishing a heavy meal "I was working as chief historical officer of the space port for over forty years" Lexan raised an eyebrow and said "you don't look forty, in fact you look younger then me"

Raan nodded and said "indeed, I am over eighty years old, I was born on the station and I was positive I would die there, but anyway, I suppose you would like to hear how this all started?" "it would help us" Lexan said nodding "but if you wish to rest first, that's fine" "no, I want this monster tried for the suffering he's caused" Raan said, he's normally kind eyes blazed for a moment before he began.


Raan looked over his papers as the door opened, a tall well built but obviously sickly man entered, he looked around and spotted the raa'ga'kid and said "are you Raan the knowledgeable? I was told you could help me" "of course my friend! come in, come in, help your self to some of this amazing earthen tea.....what troubles you?"

"I am looking for an ancheint place, older then the galaxy some say" Raan leant forward and asked "oh? that sounds fascinating, what is it called?" "it is called the pla'gr shone" Raan looked at him and asked "what business would you have with that horrid place!" "it is none of your concern what I seek, just that I seek it" the stranger said calmly.

Raan sighed and said "the pla'gr shone was lost in time after the collapse of the great ins'tara hordes, I would not know where to find it, only the general area.....are you sure you wish for this? the pla'gr shone is dangerous, and legends speak of a terrible evil dwelling there" "I am touched by your concern old one, but I must and shall" he stood and said "thank you, I must sleep now, for tomorrow I move on" with that he turned and left.

:end flashback:

Raan looked at them and said "shortly after he left, people began becoming terribly ill, their breathing shortened and their skin began decaying, along with it came the most disgusting stench.....I soon found out I was immune, and we began trying a vaccine, but it was too late, everyone became infected"

"And you've been trying to escape, why didn't you send a distress beacon?" Lexan asked "I tried, belive me dear boy I tried" he said miserably "but every time I did, the fiends would find it and destroy it....." he fell silent and he rubbed his eyes "you said you are looking for survivors and such, but there is more to you mission, isn't there?"

Lexan nodded "there is, do you remember the plague that spread through the galaxy a long time ago?" Raan nodded and said "yes, I do.....are you saying that this is a reoccurrence of that plague?" "yes, but what you don't know is that both this plagues have been synthetically made" Raan's jaw dropped "impossible! how, and by whom?" "we don't know how or why or by who, or if my fathers knowledge is correct, what" linn said handing him more food, which he ignored for now.

"What do you mean, 'by what?'" Raan said curiously "it is either male or female, surely there can be nothing in-between" "the person that made this is so old that it transcended a mortal state" came a voice from the hollo com "father!" linn cried happily.

"Hello my dear" the voice said cheerfully "I hope you are doing well? and I apologize for the lack of warning Lexan, but I needed to call you, to answer your question Raan the knowledgeable" the king said to the raa'ga'kid "the creature was perhaps one or the other, but now it is mearly a conscious thought within an entity" Raan nodded and said "yes, of course! this has happened once before, yes?"

"That is correct, however I must be getting on with what has happened, Lexan, what is your report?"

"The station has been destroyed, the only survivor is Raan" the king was silent, he waited for more "he believes the stranger that arrived a few days earlier and asked about the.....what was it? the pla'gr shone, or something"

"This is not good, Lexan, as of now you have a new mission, your to go to the planet of ins'tara and find the pla'gr shone and prevent anyone from getting inside" "yes sir, will you send reinforcements?" "when you have secured it I will send a battalion of soldiers to take over" "yes sir, ill report in as soon as I can" the king agreed and signed off "looks like we have a new mission" Lexan said "Raan, where would you like us to drop you off?" Raan looked hard at him.

"I would like to join you in your mission, what ever has happened has cost me the lives of many of my friends and family, I will not let their suffering go unanswered, would you accept me as a member of your crew, my knowledge could prove invaluable"

Lexan nodded and said "I agree, so long as you know it will be dangerous!" "I have seen much in my eighty years, and in forty of those I have crawled through some of the filthiest and dangerous places known to any race, this will be just another archeological dig" Lexan shook his head with a smile.

"I think we're gonna get along fine"

Authors note: hey everyone! thanks go out to the people who've read so far, but next chapter will be different, I've decided to add facts about the races and planets that Lexan and his crew will meet, but before I do that, I need to know what race you want to hear of first, it can be out of these races:

Terren (space humans)




So, let me know which one you want me to write about and that's the next chapter, if no one comments on which one then ill choose one myself, until next time! adios!

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