Chapter twenty one: allavile and the battle

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Linn piloted the splicer towards the gate station, rook sat beside her, looking at the beautiful planet, he looked at linn who was in a state of pride "you were right linn, it is beautiful up here" linn grinned and replied

"It's even more so at night, remember, my people have only seen in'stara in books and such, so please don't get hostile if people become overly curious" he nodded and said

"I won't linn, you have my word.....your father knows we are coming, yes?" she nodded as she felt the scanners go over them, and then said, as they moved forward.

"Yes, he's most eager to see you as a matter of fact, oh, hang on" she added as the com buzzed "yes? this is princess linn returning from a mission, who is this?"

"Your highness! thank goodness! we haven't heard anything from down on the surface for months, we're starting to get seriously worried" the person said panicky

"What do you mean? When did the cons go down?" she asked, the person mumbled as she heard tapping.

"About three months ago my lady, your father said to halt all traffic unless it was you or the smuggler-"

"That smuggler happens to be my husband! and your new prince" she said hotly

"Yes, sorry your highness, but we're wasting time! we don't know what's going on, as I said your father made us stop traffic and then cut us off from the planet, its getting really strange and frightening" the panicked guard said.

"Okay, we'll check it out" and with that she cut the coms and shot forward.....


The sight that met them was one that brought great distress to linn, the diseased rambled the streets, some buildings burned and others were toppled, some of the diseased limping fast, the city guard got whoever they could into strong houses and shot those that got too close.

Linn flew down to where signal man waved them down, she jumped out as a hail of bullets riddled the diseased behind them, rook spun around and covered linn on her retreat, once inside rook joined them, the alaviliean soldiers knew that a great warrior had joined them, he walked calmly, and fired only when under threat.

He walked past them, his green exoskeleton catching the heat and light and bouncing it away making him seem ethereal and god like, standing beside them a moment he shot down five others, just standing near the veteran of war gave the soldiers a boost in morale.

He turned and walked inside, as the men cheered.


The king stood with his war generals as linn ran in, spotting her father she raced in, smiling and tears of relief on her face "linn!! my daughter!" he rushed forward as the generals beamed at the happy moment.

"Father! we came to warn you! the disease is just the tip of the iceberg! something worse is behind it"

The king groaned "more bad news! and who is this" the crowd turned as the in'stara walked in, a guard of honor and a look of modesty on his face

"father, this is rook, captain of an in'stara battalion and one of my friends" linn explained, smiling, and asked "you can leave now guardsmen, he's no threat"

"We know your highness!" an excitable guard piped up "he walked in just as the diseased came up through the sewers and we thought we were done for!"

He paused for dramatic effect and continued "then when we thought we'd failed, rook, he told me his name, came forward and shot and killed every one of the things with a SINGLE shot!!"

All those that heard were impressed "really? you never seemed like a show off rook" linn said laughing "but never mind that dad, Lexan said he would be here in two days me!" she ran off, and entered a bath room.

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