Chapter 1

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The heavy stride of warm wind gusts and enters the car window hitting my tan creamy skin, my face gets whipped by my long wavy brown hair and repeats over and over.

I try to put up the windows but it seems to be locked.

"Can you put the windows up, carter" telling my cousin, that I haven't seen since I was 10 years old.

I nearly choke on my hair that continues to whip at my face, waiting for his answer. He notices me grasping at my hair that keeps hitting my face like it's magnetic to it.

He just starts to chuckle.

Instead of obliging to my request he speeds up on the highway very fast, to quicken the long strides of wind just to devour my face even more that the wind starts to scream itself.

he slows down and bursts into laughter.

I huff and glare at him, hiding the terror in me by punching his arm. 

"The look on your face" he says laughing in between his comment of my reaction.

"Shut up" I smile.

When he finally puts up the windows he looks towards the road, focused and calmed from the sunset.

"Dias and my mom are excited to see you, how many years was it—"

"almost nine years" I cut him off.

"Almost nine fucking years huh?" Carter softly says, whispering and nodding it to himself.

The car ride was mostly filled with small laughs and memories about how Dias would always hide Carter's shoes so me and Dias could have a head start on ditching carter, when we felt like just us girls wanted to hang alone. Carter would always somehow bully Dias, which is why i would go on her sides at times.

Once I see the tall grey house covered in all glass windows. It appears to me as a very modern type of home, with huge stones leading the path to the front door.

I get a little anxious from each closer step I take near the tall home.

"Guess who's here" carter shouts to my aunt and Dias while entering the beautiful house making it echo on each fresh painted wall while closing the door shut.

A figure appears running quickly to wrap their arms around me. "Oh my god!" She pulls away a little from our hug, keeping her hands on my shoulders. She takes every detail on my face.

I recognize the familiar face once she smiles, stretching the ends of her lips as much as she can, bringing the wrinkles on the corner of her eyelids to reappear. I give her the same energy by a warm smile back.

"You've..Wow you've grown so much Mia! look at you, so beautiful—you look so much like your mother" she softly tells me brushing my hair back and kissing my forehead.

The thought of my mother pings at my stomach, I can feel the tears rising underneath my hazel eyes. Instead I squeeze my aunt for another round of her hugs, bringing myself back together.

I'm wanting to change the subject. In fact I'm on the urge of asking her if she has anything to eat. It was a long drive and I only drank a smoothie in the past previous hours that Carter bought me along the drive here. I couldn't eat anything else. I was so nervous to really have an appetite.

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