Chapter 2

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When I tippy toe trying to find Dias in my spot. I notice carters head. He's walking away from me with the man that gives me the creeps.

Ugh I'm so frustrated right now, I was expecting and mostly wanting carter to take me and Dias back home but seems like that's not happening.

I push pass through a large crowd of people making out and disturbingly dancing against each other.

I have a massive headache and I want to get out of here but feel bad leaving Dias here. I cant do that to her especially knowing she's drunk. I know better than walking back to the house, this late.

On the long search for Dias without finding her. I give up a little and try to find a place that I can drown this loud music out of my head.

When I go deeper into the large building I find a hallway that leads to rooms, I think? Once I get closer, everything goes pitch black.

What the hell?

I instantly feel the fabric bag hovering over my face. Large hands grab onto my wrist and tightens the grip.

Goosebumps start to rise out of me and I'm on the urge of screaming, I only have such little space from my little breaths. Instead of screaming I start sobbing, confused and terrified.

I try to wiggle out of the person's assault but completely fail.

My mind is all over the place.

The person that is holding tightly on my wrist and maybe leaving a mark is leading me somewhere. I feel a cold breeze hit my bare legs and arms knowing I'm outside.

I hear muffled voices and sounds.

As I get closer I hear an voice with an accent I can't tell, right above my ear say "Is this the girl?" A snatch of the fabric that was suffocating me is pulled off. I witnessed a back ally, dark and with sketchy men separated in two groups.

I recognize the first face that is right in front of me. That creepy face. The man that was talking to carter earlier.

Once he gives the guy behind me a nod and looks away.

I hear a voice spit "You son of a bitch!"

My eyes scan the place to find the familiar voice and spot carter on the floor with bruises on his face. He's spitting out blood.

"You fucking snake! You lied to me!" He says nearly choking on his words.

"I got to do what I got to do to stay alive, carter!" the creep shouts back.

Carter and the creepy man start bickering at each other with insults than it goes to brutal shoves.

I start to tear up more and more, my eyes are probably getting puffy by now.

"Shut the fuck up!" I hear a really deep voice yell and I look at him.

He starts to shoot the gun that's in his big hands which is nearly covering the pistol up in the air about three times which gets everyone's attention.

He's much taller than most of the men around here and brood looking. With his grey piecing eyes placed on his toned skin with black hair and some steeping down his forehead making it look slightly messy.

He has a black leather coat on with a plain thin white shirt. His pants are black-washed making it look more grey, with torn holes on the knee part of his jeans.

His big black dusty boots slam against the concrete when he walks towards me. I notice the tattoos on his neck and look back up to his face with my flushed expression.

He is glaring at me with his lips pressed into a straight line.

He shocks me by grabbing my neck with his large fingers right underneath my chin and tilts it up to make me look at him.

My breathing increases and he notices by looking down at my chest.

"Don't hurt her" I hear carter say, he sounds more worried than demanding.

Before he answers carter,  he looks at me for a few more seconds, then clenches his jaw letting go of his assault on my neck going behind me putting something cold against my neck.

My eyes widened knowing it's his gun.

My heart beat intensifies with my lips drastically apart to take in and out my high pitched breathing.

"Not if you give me my fucking money" he says saying through his clenched teeth

"Look I know where the money is Damon, I j-just don't have it with me" Carter says waving his hands in front of him.

The man named Damon is breathing heavily and I can imagine his nostrils flaring at the sight of carter.

Carter quickly recovers, "I'll get it for you in about a week or two I-I swear just please man let her go she has nothing to do with this" I can feel Carter looking at me but don't budge to look at him.

My eyes start to water and tears tremble down my wet cheek.

Damon lets out a scoff "you think I fucking believe one fucking word your saying—last time your ass left the city, but not this time" he shakes his head proving his point.

"I won't, I'll give you the money just give me a day" carter says with the most worried expression plastered on his face.

My mind is racing just as much as my heart. I look like a lost puppy standing by these tall men threatening each other over money. Using guns.

I'm scared and angry at myself for even coming. There goes your "trying new things faze" my subconscious adds.

I cant even look at carter, why is he involved in things like this? People can change so much.

"Bullshit! I'm not making that mistake again" Damon pauses then adds "that's why I'm taking her with me for in return of my money."

I wanna say something but my body is shaking out of fear and I'm so numb I can't move my lips. I finally look at carter and he looks like he's actually considering it.

How could he?

I mean I get it I'm in a really fragile state but he has the nerve to actually consider this. He can at least be subtle about it and ask Damon for another plan.

I swear I hear "how many weeks will you give me then?" from Carter's mouth so calmly.

My brows are pushed together and my mouth is opened from his response. My chest starts to rise then fall and repeats.

Damon swirls the gun around my hair and I flinch. He's just trying to piss carter off and by even adding "the longer you take, the more things I can do to her"

I try to give carter a signal to save me or something but he quickly moves his eyes off of me and looks down, he's twitching a little but that's what Damon wants him to feel. Anger.

Instead of getting what Damon is craving for, which is a fight. Carter looks at Damon and doesn't even acknowledge my presence by telling him "I'll bring the money, meet me here and bring her with you" Then adds "if you don't bring her then there's no money."

Damon responds with a nod in agreement and gestures to a big guy with tattoos on his bald head to take me into the car.

The man grabs my small wrist and I immediately feel that familiar burn from it. I try to wiggle out and kick my feet in the air.

Once I'm in the back seat of the car, I get uncomfortable when the bald man smiles at me showing his golden and silver teeth saying with his thick familiar accent "My bag likes your face" his laugh creeps me out itself and he places the old brown sack over my head again.

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