Chapter 6

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I hear soft footsteps approaching the door I'm leaning on.

A creek sound makes me jump and move away from the wooden door.

I take steps backwards and notice the key imprint is turning and remember Damon has a key.

I look around in panic trying to find something to protect myself with but I'm too late.

I see him standing there, looking at me with concern in my eyes.

He closes the door but softer and steadily than usual, keeping his eyes on me.

I cant stand to be around him.

every step my barefoot takes going backwards he comes towards me.

Closer and closer.

I hit my back with his table, but don't keep my eyes off of him.

When I have no more room to move I use my words instead "stay away from me" I say with glossy eyes.

He doesn't say anything but stares at me with his lips split slightly apart.

He licks his lips quickly looking to the floor then back up at me before saying "this doesn't concern you, nothing has changed".

I look at him with anger, pushing my eyebrows and breathing steadily.

"This doesn't concern me? Are you serious? Oh my god..I need to leave, now!" I tell him staring right into his eyes.

Don't cry Mia don't cry.

I try to walk away from him but he grabs onto my arm which gets me at my breaking point.

I swing my hands to his face and slap him.

I regret it for a second but remember he's the guy that put a gun to my neck.

He doesn't even react to it nor touch his red cheek.

He just clenches his jaw and pulls me by grabbing both of my wrist with only one large hand.

My chest is touching his and our face is closer than ever.

"If you do that again—" he says but I cut him off "what Damon? You'll put a bullet through my head?" tears fall from my eyes viscously.

I know I shouldn't have said that but it just slipped.

He lets go of me and stepping away from me before his mouth opens and starts to raises his voice at.

"You don't fucking know me!" He shouts at me.

"I don't think you know yourself, because you did threaten carter by putting a gun at my neck!" I yell back at him with terror in my eyes.

"I didn't fucking pull the trigger" he stops yelling at me.

"Take me home, I want to go home now" I try my best to sound demanding.

"Not fucking happening, end of story" he tells me.

I push pass through him, instead of grabbing me he says "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find Blake" I respond to his question.

I cant stay with him, knowing he literally killed a man.

I shiver from the thought.

He scoffs and says "What so you guys are close now? Fuck your so clueless"

Then stomps to his door swinging it open, before I have the chance to respond.

He stands in the doorway and gestures me to leave with his hand.

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