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I wore a skirt and blouse colored pink and blue with a veil. I wrapped it around my body and checked whether I tied my scarf well. I look at myself in the mirror and I sigh. I had to check with everyone if it was good and they said it was good.

I look at my shoes and definitely not loafers, my flat shoe well the best to go with it has been spoilt. Stilettos, Hell no. Well there is the high strapped shoe.

I walk into the company as some eyes look at me with weird stares and some glares. I didn't know what i freakin did to you. I walk up to the receptionist placing my bag on the counter.

"Can you please tell Mr Mohammed Ibrahim that Miss Ruqqayya Ahmad is here?" I say and she nods. I look at my phone for a while tapping my phone with my hand.

What if I just screw it up? I sigh as I look at my watch. Oh lord, please. I know I am not a saint but give me the courage and the strength. "Miss Ruqqayya Ahmad. Good morning."

I heard Mohammed say and I turn to look at him with a smile. "And good morning to mr Mohammed Ibrahim." I say and he smiled. "Well, you are kind of early." He says with a phone in his hands.

"Yeah, I am kind of nervous actually." I say adjusting my veil when he stops, turning to look at me with his brown kaftan. "I will be introducing you to my workers, just pulled off some of the workers and they are not much so....you don't have to be nervous. It is going to be alright."

He tells me with an assured smile then walking into a glassy room. I could see him sitting down and starting to talk. I look away and sigh.

You worked your ass off now show it. Remember how you suffered when your friends went out to chill and you stood behind. Knowledge and my grammar please don't fail me.

Without even a second thought, I started walking to the door. I opened it and walked in and saw Mohammed's facial expression. He looked hot as usual. I looked at the rest of the room and the room was full.

I didn't let it stop me. "Good morning, my fellow colleagues. My name is Ruqqayya Ahmad and I hope we could work together in peace. I look forward to you teaching me for you have worked and known more about this more than I have. Thank you."

I say sitting down when Mohammed smiled at me. "Well, you know her name as she said if you were paying attention. She is from The University Of Toronto And is one of the best if not the best."

He says standing up pressing his hands on the table as some of his veins bulged out.

"She came out with second class and is hardworking. We are friends and I want you to give her the respect she deserves. Please, if there are any problems, tell her. She is my secretary."

He says looking at everyone's face. "If that's all, have a great day and work hard. Goodluck." He says taking the files he brought in with him.

I stood there zoning out. Will I be able to keep up?  "Rukayya." He calls me softly as I snap out of it looking at him. I walk to him feeling stupid.

"You okay?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah just trying to wrap my head around this." I tell him with a sigh. "It's alright, I felt that at first. I will show you around."

He says leading the way. "Those are the conference rooms and offices over there." He says pointing around when a man came to him.

He stops to listen to what he said to his ear. He nods while he heard it. "Okay, thank you." He says.

"Is everything okay sir?" A woman who wore a skirt and white shirt that stood beside him the whole time. "It's just a meeting but forget about it."

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