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Rukayya's P. O. V

I sigh in exhaustion. "No, over there." I say to a man that brought chairs and It was under me. "Yes, thank you." I say as they left the office. 

"Good job." Mohammad says just coming inside his office. "Thanks, does it look good?" I ask looking up at him. "It looks fantastic but I have to ruin the table though." He says walking to his table.

"But I just cleaned it and please don't stain it." I say walking towards him as he smiled widely. "I won't so please calm down." He says and I nod, turning to the other table stacked with files.

"Thank you, sir." I say teasingly. "You know I hate it when you say sir." He says with noses of files hitting each other. "Okay, sorry sir." I say repeating it but he didn't say anything.

I was about to turn when I felt him hug me from behind. He placed his chin on my shoulder as I feel sudden tension. "What did you say again?" He says, feeling his hot breath on my neck.

I look down smiling. "Okay, I am truly sorry." I say feeling nervous. "Nah, you don't mean it." He says pulling me closer to him. "I will stop doing it so please." I say closing my eyes.

"Rukayya." I heard imran say as Mohammad let's go of me. "Imran!" I say surprised. "Yeah, what are you doing?" He says walking in.

"Just a working, um, this is my boss, Mohammad." I introduce them and they shake hands.  "So not sir but Mohammad, okay?" He says looking at him.

"I don't mean to pry but who are you again?" Mohammad asks imran while he sat down.  "Rukayya's boyfriend." Imran says with a smile. "Oh well please we're working so wait at the reception,  she will be there with you shortly."

Mohammad says with a welcoming smile but imran looked pissed. "I will be there very soon, okay?" I say holding his hand and he nods. "Okay, I will be waiting." He says before he kissed me on the cheek.

He walked out when I heard Mohammad scoff. "Really? That guy? He has a poor physique, he looks like a little baby and he walks like such." Mohammad says as I glare at him.

"He caught me with you already with you, hugging or whatever it was." I say placing some files on his table. "Yeah, I know but it even embarrassing for me." He says placing his arms beside me.

He closes any space I have to leave. "Why would you like him?" He asks. "Because he was there for me when you weren't." I say clenching my jaw.

His muscles relaxed, putting his hands down. "You know you weren't talking to me at that time and I did something wrong that I regret." He says with a sigh. "Yeah." I say just looking at him.

"I don't know what else to say to you but I'm sorry. I regret it and I wish that I never did it." He says placing his hand on my cheek. "I love you Rukayya and I swear that I will never do that to you again."

He says standing closer to me. "Never." He says with inches apart from me.

I try to move away from him but he uses his hand to face him. "I need to go." I say but he held me by the waist. "Do you really love him or not?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I say as he nods. "Fine but I will still be waiting for you." He says before a placed a kiss on my lips. He pulls me closer to him when I pull away. "I am with someone else so please."

I say walking out and saw imran. He looked up at me with a little smile. "How about we go for a walk?" I say giving my hand to him.

"You okay?" He asks holding my hand. "Yeah, I am just exhausted with all the work going on." I say walking to the elevator. "Okay but I don't like the guy. What were you even doing when I came in?"

He say as I sigh. "He is still hung up on that relationship we had but It was just a misunderstanding." I say looking at him and he hugged me.

"Okay but just avoid him because you are mine." He says possessive manner. "I am not an object, you know." I say before he kissed me.

"I know." He says as we came out of he elevator. "Okay." I say as we walked to the door.

I came back to the office with an ice cream cone in my hand. It was my best flavour,  cookies and cream. I love it.

"Oh, what about mine? Selfish girl." Mia says. "Mia, why you jealous?" I say smiling. "Wow, you need to change that name.' She says taking a sip of her tea. "Yeah, drink that hot water and keep quiet."

I say closing my eyes because of the brain freeze. "God caught you." She says laughing. "Shut up.' I say raising my hand. "Okay, if you say so."

Imran's P.O.V

I ran through the halls of the hospital, dodging some other patients. I  hit multiple people but follow them up with an apology.

I enter the room where mukhtar lay. "Mukhtar, what happened?" I asked as he smiled with a groan. "I was driving when suddenly a car hit me hard then drove off. Hit and run."

Mukhtar says with a cast on his arm and leg with his head bandaged. "I need to tell you about that sadeeq." He says as I shake my head.

"Nah, get well soon first." I say about to stand up but he held my arm. "We need to stop it because I could surely bet on my life that it was him. The files I found were taken and it was about him."

He says. "People said that he killed a lot of people that tried to uncover it so thus. He is a psychopath and it was said that he killed his father just to get what he wants."

He adds. "I am a lucky guy who lived but if I continue, there will be no mukhtar to talk to." He says before leaning back a bit. "There are some papers so you could show Rukayya."

He says handing me a brown bag. "I know that you want to lock his but you don't have gat luxury so let's stock to what we have. Okay?"

He says and I nod. I wanted to argue that I am not going to stop now but he is not in the right condition so I had to think about it.

I walk into my room and slammed my door feeling the rage running through me. I cleared the drawers, shattering many breakable Items.

It doesn't feel any better. I place my hand on my head as Maryam am came in. "Is everything okay?" She asks while I pace around. "Imran!" She calls me as I stopped.

"is want to lock him up, I have to  so it should end." I say sitting down. If I report him, he might come back but if I throw him in jail, he will not be back.

"What are you saying?" She asks sitting down, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I can't say, maryam. It might affect you." I say looking at her and she smiles. "So you do still care." She says but I sigh.

"Well, we did date and we are cool." I say trying to forget about sadeeq. "Did? Yeah, we're cool." She says placing her head on my shoulder. "Why did you barge in?" She asks as I close my eyes.

"it is that guy from my class. Just annoying." I lie. "I know you Imran and if it is something secretive, I can keep it." She says standing up and heading to the door.

"Yeah, I would know especially when we started dating. We did keep it a secret." I chuckle as I heard her lock the door. I look at her while she walked towards me slowly.

"What are you doing?" I ask not smiling. "I feel like we should just have fun you know, the last time." She says kneeling in front of me.

"I meant it when I said we are done and to think that you were just worried." I say looking at her as she came closer but I backed away. "Don't do this,  imran. We all know that you want this."

She says. "You want this or I do?" I say as she looks down. "I have left my pride behind, my reputation on the line just for you and I ask for the last time but you deny me. You are really great, imran".

She says sobbing. "I'm sorry but we can't do it anymore." I say holding her hand. "Then just once and I swear that it will be the last then I will stop bothering about us dating."

She says placing her hand in my jaw. "I am not doing this maryam." I stand up and left the room.

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