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Rukayya's POV

I lay down in the couch playing the desperate housewives game even tough I am not really a fan of games. I am presently going on a date and it sucked.

I failed the date which made the guy angry. I fail in games too. I exited and looked at the ceiling. I am what you call a couch potato. I sigh feeling extremely useless.

I look at the TV as hellboy played. I heard the door banged really hard. I stand up feeling angry at who banged the door. I open the door and saw the gate man.  "What is wrong that you are trying to break the door?"

I ask him as he scratched his head. "Sorry, there is a man that came looking for you at the gate." He said as I walk to the gate. I was not In the mood for any guests.

I saw the man from afar but I couldn't help but feel my heart miss a beat. I knew who it was from a day and he saw me too. I couldn't walk back and act weirdly so I had to continue to walk towards him.

"Rukayya." Mohammad says and I cross my arms. "What do you want and how do you know where I live again?" I ssay because I am not in the mood to keep talking.

"I looked for it and I want to apologise." He says walking a little closer to me but Is stepped back. "Don't you think that you apologise too much, Is mean, how many times times have times have you apologised to me alone?"

I say using my hand to cover my eyes from the sun. "I know but the office is unbearable without you there. I really missed you." He says as I shake my head.

"You don't mean it and I don't even like you around me so please go away." I say turning around when he held my hand. "Is am begging you because you are the only one that understands me."

He says as I scoff. "You should've thought of that before you did that." I say pulling my hand away from him. "Rukayya please." He says.

'Okay, did you sleep with her or not?" I say crossing my arms. "I didn't. We just kissed and that's all." He says holding my shoulder.

"I stopped because I am in love with you deeply and I only want you kissing or touching me." He says with his flattering words as expected.

"I don't believe that at all because you hurt me a lot." I say shaking my head and he sighed. "I was just thinking about the company but I thought hard and you matter more to me than that piece of cement. You bring me the happiness I need."

He says placing his hand on my jaw, cupping my cheeks. "I love you, Rukayya." He says coming closer to kiss me as I back away. "it's already too late, I am dating someone already and I love him."

I say pulling my bolero. "What?" H's asks farrowing his eyebrows. "Yeah. He was there when you weren't. The time when I was alone so yeah."

I say shrugging my shoulder. "Okay, fine. I just hope you're happy." He says nodding. "I'm sorry if you thought we would go back to normal."

I say as he smiled a bit. "Just as long as we are cool." He says before he hugged me. I missed this, I missed him. I hug him back with a deep breath.

"Okay, if that is what you want, I can't stop you but I can't say that it is easy for me though." He says still hugging me. 'I will be waiting for you whenever you need me because I just can't let you go."

He says as I adjust how I hugged him. "Yeah, I'm irreplaceable." I try to stop making it awkward. "You are." He replies pulling out. "You and him are serious?" He asks. "Going smooth actually."

I say smiling a bit. "Well, I would've loved to see the guy who bested me but whenever you a want to come back to the office,  it's open."

He says and I nod. "Thank you." I say as he turns around. "Would it be cool if I come next week?" I ask. "Please do!" He says still walking.

I smile before turning around to leave. I sigh feeling better now, I think.

I scrolled through my phone stalking some people on instagram with a fake account as  ammah sat beside me. "He looks hotter here." I say to her. "True." she says then entered the next picture.

My brother sat down just staring at nothing. "What are you thinking about?" I ask imran. "Nothing. Just looking around."

He said obviously lying but ignored it, he always talks. "Did you tell imran about aunt maryam?" He asks. "Am I crazy to do that? I have never even mentioned her in any conversation we had."

I say keeping the phone. "Then about us perhaps?" He asked with his face a little bit surprised. "No, not yet. Never said anything thing about you. Why are you asking?"

I ask getting worried. "Nah, it's nothing. I just hate it when you do that, you always embarrass me so please don't. He takes me seriously."

He says and I laugh. I used to do that to him before nut no more, he has grown up now. "Okay but is my car fixed yet?" I ask. "Nah besides you don't do anything with it now."

Imran laughs as I look away from him. "Oh really? I will be going back to the office next week." I say as he sat up. "No, not that douche bag who played you."

He says with a stern face. "I will because he came and apologised today personally." I say taking a deep breath. "It is not right to and stop bringing different guys here please."

He says clenching his jaw. "1, you are my small brother so don't TELL me what to do. 2, I will go back to the office. 3, you can't do anything unless if you want to kill yourself."

I say. "Fine, but I don't want to even hear anything if he breaks your heart again and please be careful with imran. He isn't the guy who we all thought he was."

He says walking out before I could say anything. "What do you mean?!" I ask but there was no answer. "You are going to suffer with this guy." I say to ammah.  "Tell me about it."

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