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Ruqayyah's point to view

I sit down on the table with the rest of the family. I just couldn't get my thoughts together after having a one on one with imran, my boyfriend.

The room is full of clattering of cutleries. "Maryam is pregnant." Imran spats as I choke on the water I was drinking.

"What?!" I say first and my mom keeps her fork down. "What do you mean "Maryam is pregnant?' Hmm?" She says closing her eyes.

Imran takes a deep breath ignoring everyone's stares. "She has my baby, a fetus in her right now." He says unable to look at our mother.

"I knew it was just time with all the women he brought over." Out stepfather said as my mother closes her eyes.

"What is wrong with you?! Is it too much to ask for you to let me rest?! I thought when you grow up, you'll grow sense but I have been loved wrong!"

She shouts when zainab stands up and left the room. Ammab just covered her mouth with her hand.

"She did she tell you?" I say feeling like this is all a joke. "Yesterday, I couldn't just leave her like that so I thought about us getting married."

He say clasping his hands together, looking at us like we are going to strike a deal with him.

"You're stupid to....that is the only way." Mom says shaking her head, looking downwards.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think that would ever happen. I wouldn't have done it in the first place if it makes you sad."

He says sincerely looking sorry. "Apologies wouldn't change anything." She says in a weak tone before she stands up.

"I guess I'll have to talk to her parents tomorrow." Our stepdad says standing up.

"Goodnight." I say to them before turning to Imran who knew that it is easier with them than me.

"I can explain." He says as I narrow my eyes. "You better start talking." I say while ammah looks at him in disbelief.

"Yeah." She agrees. "I was careful, I don't know how but she came up to me obviously freaked out. I  couldn't say that it is all on her."

He explains. "I told her that I believe and accept the baby. Added that the only way is to get married to her even though she found someone serious. I told her that she should think about it and report back to me."

He ends taking a deep breath. "And?" I ask, wanting more information.

"That is the only thing I can tell you, I have accepted an I'm dealing with it. I have nothing else to say."

He says honestly but ammah seems to still be in denial. "I know this is all a shock but I don't really like dwelling on it besides I have important matters to resolve." He stand up about to leave.

"Do you regret it?" Ammah asks. "At first but now, no. I don't want to regret having my first child." He says standing up.

"I'm sorry for putting you into this mess." He says when his phone rings and he picks it up. "I'm just shocked to the core." Ammah exclaims, walking to the stairs.

Imran's Point of view

I answer the phone call while walking to my room. "Mukhtar, what is it? Will you be discharged today?"

I ask. "I highly doubt it." A familiar voiced says calmly. "It's Imran if you're wondering."

The imbecile says as I clench my fist. "Don't hurt him." I take the car keys, rushing outside.

"Where are you going?!" Ya Ruqayyah shouts but I can't answer her.

"That must be Ruqayyah, man I miss her already." Imran teases me before chuckling.

"Shut it and wait for me there." I hang up, driving out of the house.

I walk into the hospital in a hurry. "Where's room 108?" I ask a nurse who stood behind a table.

"Down the hall, to the left." She indicates, pointing the way. "Thank you." I smoke at her before rushing down the hall.

I walk into the room when I see mukhtar watching the TV pissed off while Sadiq is smirking.

Their attention turn back to me. "Welcome come in, we have been waiting for you." Sadiq says  smiling as I ignore him, looking at mukhtar.

"You alright?" I ask mukhtar and he nods. "I'm good, just take him away. He talks too much." Mukhtar glares at him for a split second.

"Watch it." Sadiq gives mukhtar a stern look. "Let's talk outside." I say to Sadiq as he stands up.

He adjusts his clothes before walking out of the room. "Be careful with him, he's more dangerous than you think."

Mukhtar warns me. I give a light nod and close the door so I could talk to Sadiq.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask. "I get that you are Ruqayyah's brother so I will go easy. Back off, stop meddling in my business. I thought when you heard your friend was hurt you'll back away but still."

I feel anger grown in me. "You hit him, you caused the accident?" I ask.

"Yes." He says with a blank expression. "You could've killed him." I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"He didn't die, did he? I have a certain precision of how to hit the car." He admits when I smoke, scoffing.

"You're insane." I say shaking my head. "That is not why I called you. Imran, step back and continue your life if you want to see your child grow up."

H threatens as I snap my head to him. "What did you just say?" I ask. "How do you know?" I stand shocked as to how he knew about Maryam.

"I'm a person with influence now, I'm a busy person so, think out it before it is too late." He says then walks away.

I stand there looking at the floor. I can't let ya Ruqayyah to be with this guy.

I sit down, scratching my head. "Hey, what are you doing?" Ruqayyah asks sitting down beside me.

"I'm good." I sigh looking at her. "I'm supposed to be angry at you, you know." She says and I take a deep breath.

"Did you guys talk?" I ask as she filled her eyes. "Nope, I didn't answer her calls. I don't know what to say to her." She shrugs, looking away.

I look at her, feeling terrible. I just have to tell her the truth about Sadiq or Imran.

"I need to tell you something, something you might need to calm down about."

I start, gathering the courage to tell her everything head on. "What is it? God help your soul of it is something useless but it doesn't look like that." She says looking at me.

"What is it about?" She asks. "Imran or Sadiq in other words." I say and she furrows her eyebrows.

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