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I was presently talking to zainab,  who came back from school. "Really?" I ask before I erupted in laughter. "Really and they were so local. They thought doing it made them look better but it made them look worse to be honest."

She says throwing a piece of chocolate in in her mouth. Mohammad sent me chocolates but I wasn't interested in them so I gave it to zainab. Well, I gained weight so that's why.

"Are you still not over the office guy?" She asks throwing another piece in her mouth. "I don't care besides, I needed a time off work."

I say looking back at the TV. "I'm just saying, maybe you should just call." She says shrugging. "Nah, that is cheap and why wouldn't he do that to me again? I did call him."

I say standing up to warm my body a bit with some exercises. "Okay, if you say so." She says when Imran came in wearing his gym clothes, panting.

He stopped then leaned forward placing his hands on his knees. "What are you doing?" He asks me panting. "Warming up, you seem to be working out."

I say as he stood right. "Nah, I jogged then ran." He says and I sat down on the chair. "How many miles is it that you have been panting?"

I ask him. "Four miles and the fifth, I ran." He says walking away, leaving me speechless. "He looks so hot." Zainab says chewing the chocolates.

"Seriously?" I ask her. "What? He's your brother not mine." She says standing up. "What are you going to do?" I ask her. "Ask for his dirty clothes so it could be washed."

She walks out and I laugh. I sigh looking around. I am bored as hell just staying at home. I need to go back to work. I have to.

I pick up my phone about to call Imran when I saw mohammad message. I love you. I didn't feel as terrible or sad as usual. I ignored it and called Imran.

My heart felt heavy even when uncle zaheer suggested a person for me so I turned it down. I hate hassling people for my sake.

I cancelled the call before it started ringing. Yeah, I'll ask my mom. I stand up when I saw maryam walking in. 'Maryam?!" I say as we hugged.

"I had to ask for a week off because my sister is going through some issues, I was getting exhausted and to see my boyfriend." She says looking around.

"Yeah, obviously." I say rolling my eyes, sitting down on the chair. "I'm sorry, it's just that I kinda miss that guy. Anyway, I heard about what happened."

She says sitting down beside me. "Yeah, I told you." I say. "Mohammad is pretty hot but is he worth that pain?" She asks and I look at her.

"He is hot but he Is not even though he called, messaged and sent sent some gifts like, watches, chocolates and basket with a lot inside it."

I say as she hits me. "Is he? He isn't but imran guy that you told me about seems chill so just try him out." She says smiling. "Nah, he is a good friend but not want him as a boyfriend."

I say changing the channel. "Friend zone, that's cold." She says. "I don't mean it like that. He just doesn't feel you know, him." I say. "Just try him, he can be that bad."

She says nudging me. "Okay." I say and zainab comes in. Zainab and Maryam are not friends or nice to each other at all. Zainab thinks that she betrayed her because she had a crush on him since before they started dating.

Zainab said It was obvious obvious and known to everyone but yet she took him away from her while Maryam thinks that she just didn't grab an opportunity.

They looked away at each other away at zainab hissed. Maryam just looked at her weirdly. "Ya rukky, please remove this channel, it is depressing."

Zainab says and It's just threw the remote to her. I wasn't really interested in watching anymore. I stood up pulling Maryam.  "Don't forget forget save dynasty for me because I'm not going to watch it now.'

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