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I sit in the passenger's seat looking at the firm. "This is unnecessary., bringing me here yourself." I say looking at it an which drove me here himself and was planning on coming back to give me a ride back home.

"It is nothing for my girl." He says kissing my forehead. "Okay, baba. I shall see you at 5pm." I say sarcastically as he chuckled. "You're making it weird and disgusting." Imran says.

"Yeah, bye." I say waving at him so he could leave. "Be careful with that mohammad." Imran says and I nod.

"I hear you." I say walking away. I turn facing forward while I smiled. Everything is just piecing out together except a piece with a full space. I have not told Imran about us fake dating to his father but it is obvious that he wouldn't like it.

I sat on my chair, placing my bag on the table while I replied a message to my mom. My friend is going to get married and the dinner is today.

I am one of the bridesmaids. Yeah, I go to to my friend's weddings every time but I am still not married. Thank god my mom doesn't pressurise me since she knows what it felt but of course she talks and reminds me.

I love my mom a lot because of the shut she went through but doesn't blame anyone. I snapped out of my thoughts, hearing shoes hitting the floor and made an echo.

"Sorry I'm late, traffic." She says holding her bag and some other stuff. "No problem besides the people make way more noise and this sound is normal." I say scrolling through my phone.

"Tell me about it." She says dropping her belongings. "I will be leaving early." I say leaning back on the chair. "Really? You're leaving me? Not fair!" She says.

"Well, you came late." I say keeping my phone. "Okay, why?" She asks taking a sip of her tea. "A friend's wedding." I say with a sigh.

"I know that kind of sigh. 'I only go to people's weddings not my wedding' sigh, that's sad." She says as i raise an eyebrow.

"See who's talking?" I asks while she sipped her tea elegantly. "Don't tell me....you're engaged?!". I ask walking towards her and she brought out her hand so I could look.

"Ummi,  I'm so happy for you. You sly fox! You never told me about the guy." I say sitting on her table. "I sat sitting on her just happened and no offense but the world is dangerous nowadays so I didn't tell many people. I couldn't keep my mouth shut that's why I told you."

She says shrugging. "True, I don't blame you at all because now, the friends steal the guys away from the girl." I say smiling. "Congratulations." I add. "Yours will be here soon." She says.

"I don't know but but I think Imran is the one." I say but she coughs. "What? Hell no, mohammad fah? Mohammad." She says protesting.

"We had our time together but Imran is kinda sincere." I say sitting on the chair. "I prefer mohammad but if you prefer Imran, fine."

She says shaking her head. "Thank you." I say swinging the chair.

I walk into mohammad's office while he sat down just looking at the ceiling. I clear my throat as he looked at me. "What is it?" He asks .

"I want to ask to leave early today." I say sitting down. "Okay, why?" He asks. "Um a friend's wedding." I say looking at at him.  "Okay, you can go." He says before looking back back at the ceiling. 

"Are you okay?" I ask standing up. "Nothing, do you you have you have a driver to take you have a drink there?" He asks looking back at me.

"Yeah." I say and he nods. "Hope you have a good time." He says before I left the office I felt bad for leaving him like this. I call Imran.  "Can you come over?"

I hear the door close as footsteps walk down the small amount of stairs. "You're still here?" Mohammad asks walking towards the bench I sat down.

"Yeah. Imran is told me that he will be here in an hour but till now he isn't here." I say pouting. "Well, I can take you there you know." Mohammad says sitting beside me.

"Nah, I'm just going to call her to forget about me coming." I say picking my phone. "I'm not going to kidnap you or any so let me take you there? If you want?"

He asks looking at me as I looked back. It won't hurt.

The car come to a stop in front of the gate. I sigh feeling awkward. "Thank you for dropping me off and taking me there. I appreciate it." I say looking at him.

"You're welcome, call me whenever you need any help." He says smiling weakly.  "Why are you so nice to me?" I ask. "I am just trying to make it up to you and I like you so it is something normal."

He says looking at me while holding my hand. "You know I hated you for a while." I say. "As long as it makes you feel better." He says when I kiss him.

I don't know what came over me and it was like I was attracted to him. I pull out before getting out of the car and walked towards the gate.

I continued walking till I entered the house. I remove my heels that kept on scratching my ankles. It had brushed my skin multiple times, making the area sore.

I take the shoes about to go up when I heard someone talking. "Welcome back." Imran says with his hands in his pocket. Not my brother Imran but my so called boyfriend.

"Yeah, you should leave. It is getting late." I say definitely not in the mood to start an argument. "Yeah, it is getting late and that is why you are coming back at this time." He starts.

"I want to know who drove you here because I went to the firm and you were not able to be found." He says as I roll my eyes.

"At what time did you come over?" I ask coming down. "I don't know, 4.30pm." He says before I scoff, shaking my head. "I called you around 2pm so you wanted me to wait for you for two and the half hours. Nah."

I turn around. "I knew the minute you went back to that office will cause problems between us because of that douche."

He says shaking his head. "Yeah, of course. You never trusted me around him and that douche was the person who took me there." I say keeping my shoes down.

"I knew it, that guy can't wrap his head around the fact that we are dating or maybe it is you. Maybe you kept on following him around." He says clenching his jaw.

"Believe it or not but I really loved you but I need a break especially after this." I point to him. "Did you kiss when you met?" Imran asked with a blank expression.

"No." I lie but he didn't buy it. "Yeah." I correct myself and he smiled. "I really am sorry but you need to have my back." I say walking to him while he just kept on looking at me.

"Really?" He asks looking at me with a blank expression. "I'm sorry okay." I say holding his arm. I really like Imran and I don't want to break up with Imran.

He just kept smiling looking at me when he hugged me. "Fine." He says kissing me. "Can you please get a room?" Zainab says sitting on the couch while she ate her cupcake. I glare at her.

"Sorry." She says standing up and Imran chuckles. "She is annoying sometimes." I say closing my eyes. "No, she's interesting."

He says hugging me tightly. "I wonder whether mom is around or not?" I say looking around. "She's not." He says pulling away as he knelt down.

I felt my heart beat faster, hell no. This can't be it. He brought out a little case then opened it. It was a ring with a small rock on it. I gasp, closing my mouth.

"I know you must've figured out but I am going to ask you anyway." He says smiling a bit. I know that I sound like a man whore but I couldn't help but remember mohammad's weak smile.

"Will you marry me?" He asks while I thought. Is this the best?  Should I say yes?  No? Come back to your senses. "Yeah,  yes."

I say as he hugged me.

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