Where Did You Come From? #14

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Jimin went over to Yoongi's house to do the deed. Again. Yoongi came inside Jimin. Again. The two don't think much of what they're doing or so Jimin thought. Each time the two did something intimate with each other, it made Yoongi go crazy for the other. Yoongi kept falling more and more in love with Jimin (and his ass) each time they met. It was like a drug that Yoongi was addicted to and that drug was Jimin. Whereas Hoseok and Taehyung were staying at a hotel until they meet someone unexpected.

Day Four
Yoongi and Jimin are sleeping soundly on the bed.

"Oh my gosh! Hobi get up here! This is so cute take a picture. Quick! Before they wake up." Taehyung whisper yells as he stands in front of Yoongi's bedroom. Which is open, which means anyone can just walk in and see the two on the bed.

Jimin was nuzzling in Yoongi's arms as Yoongi had his arms wrapped around the younger's waist as his head rested on top of Jimin's.

"What's all the ruckus- oh my gosh!"

"I know right! Hobi give me your phone real quick."

Taehyung walks in the room right in front of the bed and takes three pictures from three different angles. He then walks out of the room and closes the door quietly.

Taehyung makes his way downstairs only to see Hobi hugging Jungkook with all his strength.

"Hobi let kookie go already."

"But why~ look at our little rabbit~ UwU~" Hobi was UwU-ing at Jungkook's face which was very adorable. Well, it was adorable until they got in bed. That "little" bunny becomes a daddy in bed.

"Kookie sweetie, come over here please~." Taehyung whines as he raises his arms and does grabby hands.

"You and Hobi went to hard on me last night and now my beautiful butt hurts. Can you carry me please?" Taehyung starts to whine about his butt as Jungkook's face turns into a smirk as he thinks of the events of last night.

"Hey Taehyung, how've you been? It's been around three years. Right?"

"Oh hey~ who are you- Jungkookie!" Taehyung pulls Jungkook in to a tight hug out of his drunkenness.

"Woah woah, there Tae. Calm down. I'm not going anywhere just yet." Taehyung releases his arms of Jungkook and sits back down continuing to drink his pink margarita.

"Jungkook~ you want to meet my boyfriend?" Jungkook raises his eyebrow.

"Weren't you with Yoongi?"

"Oh yeah, we broke up a few days ago. Long story short, he caught me fucking my current boyfriend on his bed. But we chill."

"Oh, okay? But, sure I'll like to meet your boyfriend i guess."

Just as Jungkook finished saying that, Hoseok came walking towards Taehyung. He turned Taehyung around and gave him a peck on the lips.


Hoseok looks at the guy standing awfully close to his bae. His eyes open really wide when he realizes who it is.

"Jungkook! My man!" He swiftly moves towards Jungkook and pulls him into a deep hug.

"Wait I thought I-I was your m-man?!" Taehyung slurred his words as he got slightly more drunk. He was still aware of things though.

"Babe, you are 'my man' but if you didn't know me and Jungkook were really, really close during the time I took dance class. We were so close everyone thought we were dating. But we weren't exactly. I think that was around five or six years ago." Jungkook chuckles after what Hoseok said.

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