Best of Me PT.1 #30

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The engaged couple has held off their wedding for a year. Yoobin is now one year and four months old. Yoongi has been planning their wedding for half a year now since Jimin decided it was finally time.

Day 625
"Wait.... so y'all are getting married next week?! The weddings next week?! You fucker! You should tell me in advance! I don't have clothes ready!"

Taehyung yells at Jimin over the phone.

"Sorry Tae. I actually just decided but it turns out Yoongi had been planning the wedding for months."

"Really? What the fuck? That's low-key creepy."

"I mean, I thought so too but it's adorable. Anyways there's a colour code."

"Let me guess, blue and black?"

"How'd you know?"

"Cause, those are your favourite colours. Yoongi will obviously make the wedding those colours. Anyways, I'm on my computer right now. I'm looking at the suits."

"Not necessary. I already picked out matching outfits for you, Jungkook, and Hoseok."

"Damn. You're so prepared. Bet you can't wait to tie the knot with Yoongi. Wait! Can I dress Yoobin?! Oh my gosh she would look so adorable."

"Sorry Tae. I already promised Jin he could pick out her clothes."

"Tsk, I see how it is. When can I pick up the clothes?"

"Hmm, probably in two days. I literally ordered them two days ago."

"Alright then. Gosh, I can't believe Yoongi is getting married. I'm really happy for you guys. By the way, if he's ever being a bitch, just ring me up. I'll take care of his petty ass."

"Alright Tae. No need to get so vicious. I need to go now though. It was nice talking to you. See you in a few days."

"Alright then. Bye~ have fun."


Jimin smiles excitedly as he gets off the couch. He runs up to Yoongi's studio room.

"It's ready! I just told him!" Jimin says barging in Yoongi's studio.

"Shh, she's sleeping." Yoongi turns around in his chair showing him holding Yoobin.

Jimin takes out his phone and takes a photo.

"How'd she get here?" Jimin asks.

Yoongi sighs.

"You missed it...."

"What did I miss?"

"Well, you left her in the crib sleeping. I went to check on her and she woke up. I brought her here and played with her for a bit and....."

"And what?!"

"She took her first steps! You missed it."

Jimin could feel tears swell in his eyes.

"Really? Why didn't you call me?"

"Well I was going to, but you were talking to Taehyung. So I didn't."

"You bastard. You kept her all to yourself."

Yoongi smiles showing his gums.

"Uh, how can be mad at that smile? Since you have her already, I'm gonna go make dinner. How does bulgogi sound?" Jimin asks leaning on the doorway.

"Perfect." Yoongi answers.

Jimin walks back in the room and kisses Yoongi and Yoobin before walking back out and into the kitchen.

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