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"Lu!" You screamed, trying to push the rubber boy away from you. "Stop, I'm trying to finish this."

Luffy pouted.

He grumbles under his breath. You sighed, putting your book away and paid attention to your friend. The wind blew, and you brushed your hair back. 

"The weather is pretty nice today, right Lu?"

Luffy beams, seeing your attention was on him. He grinned, holding onto the paddle. "There's no way a disaster can hit us on a good day like this!"

You touched the water, blinking when you felt the water whirl around your hand. You turn around to Luffy, "I think there's a whirlpool..."

Luffy leaned over you, pinning you to the edge of the boat, you rolled your eyes and he pointed at the whirlpool. "How careless of us. There's no one around us...on top of that, I can't swim, but you can."

You flinched, lifting up your arms. "Lu, I would love to help but there's no escaping a whirlpool plus these bad boys isn't going to be helping anyone."

"Shishishi." Luffy laughed at the fake muscles on your flimsy arms. 

You woke up.

The last thing you remember was trying to chase after Luffy but he tossed you out of the water and you landed on the shores. You weren't sure where you were but Luffy had forcefully made you promise that you wouldn't move where he left you. 

You took out your book and recorded it. And now the waiting game. You sighed, taking off your top to let it dry off in the sun. 


You jolted from the edge of the cave, grabbing your shirt and clumsily put the damp shirt on. 

"Lu!" You called out, feeling relief wash over you when you spotted Luffy was totally  injured free. He was being followed by a pink haired boy. 

You smiled at him, waving. He shyly waved back at you. Luffy took the courtesy of introducing you two. 

"This is Coby. Coby, this is my (Y/N)." 

You rolled your eyes, mumbling under your breath. "Not yours." Before turning your attention on Coby who had pink cheeks. "Nice to meet you. Did Lu pick you up?"

"Y-you too! Uhm, I guess you could say that." Coby managed to stutter out. "Y-you're really pretty."

You smiled, cockily tilting your head, "I hear that often."

Luffy hit you on the head, "Don't feed her ego anymore Coby, she might not be able to walk."

You pouted, following them to the boat provided for you guys. You got into your seat, helping Coby inside. His hand was clammy and he didn't want to make any eye contact with you. "I don't bite, Coby. You can look at me in the eyes, you know?"

Coby nodded. 

"So, are you going to join Lu's crew?" You casually asked.

Coby shook his head. "I-I want to be a Marine!"

"That's cool." You nodded your head. "I can't wait to fight you in the future then."

Luffy coughed, giving you a stare. 

"I mean, we can't wait to fight you in the future." You corrected. 

He hit you on the head, and you pouted. "Fine. Luffy and his future crew can't wait to fight you in the future."

Coby smiles. You guys were good people. 

"Are you not part of Luffy's crew?" Coby asked.

You shrugged your shoulders, "I'm auditioning for a part but he hasn't given me anything yet." You paused. "Other than being a wife. But listen, I don't really want to be a trophy wife you know?"

Coby nervously chuckled. Luffy didn't seem like the type of be romantically involve with anyone. Well, he could see with you because of your pretty (E/C) orbs and gorgeous (H/C) locks.

His cheeks flared up and he avoided making eye contact with you. This was going to be a weird and awkward ride. 


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One Piece doesn't belong to me nor are the pictures mine. They are just used as references on how I imagine some OC characters would look like—I don't claim them as mine.


(Y/N) - Your name

(NN) - Nickname

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