Chapter 4 - Stop Over

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You jumped down from Going Merry and helped Nami down as well.

You were both responsible for handling some necessary necessities. Unlike the boys and Nami, you had some housewife skills. You could cook and clean. Honestly, without you, you weren't sure how they were going to last.

Luffy was generally just shit at everything except for fighting and eating.

Zoro was pretty much the same but he was worst with directions. He was at least good at watching over the ship.

Usopp on the other hand, was actually decent. In fact, you'd probably rank him higher than Nami. Only because he's lived all alone and pretty cares for himself.

But he declined going to the island with you guys. He had said something about tinkering. You shrugged and just went with Nami.

Not without Nami forcefully making the boys promise that they will stay put in the ship. You both took off to the center of the island.

"What's the first thing we should get?" Nami ask.

"Hmm...we need some food, clothes and maybe maintenance things." You said out loud.

Nami gawked, "And we're the ones that went shopping? No offence, (Y/N), but you and I cannot carry anything over 20 pounds for goodness sake."

You smirk at her and showed off your biceps. "I have been working these bad boys out!"

She rolled her eyes, "Come on, let's get something sweet to eat first before we buy anything else."

You both stopped by a pink cafe and ordered a whipped cream milkshake. You both drank from it and a giggle escaped your lips.

Nami blinked her eyes.

"You got something around your mouth." You said.

Nami wiped it with her fingers.

"Still there."

Nami frowns and tries again.

"Hold on." You lean over to whip it with your finger and instinctively licked it. "It's sweet."

Nami's cheeks flared up and she could barely give you a coherent answer. You finish the last of your drink and went to pay.

The female cashier gave you a wink, "Taking your girlfriend out?"

"You could say that."

She laughs, "You bad girl. There was nothing there in the first place."

You winked, "Secret between you and me."

You guys arrived at the store. Nami immediately going through the rack and checking the prices and designs of the clothes.

When 30 minutes rolled around, she had a cart of clothes and you followed her to the dressing room.

You also picked up a bunch of clothes for boys. You guessed their sizes so you hope you were at least right.

"Lady (Y/N)."

You stiffen and looked over to see the man smiling too widely. No one referred to you so formally unless they knew your past identity and as far as you knew, only three people knew about your past life. You took in the appearance of the man and he surely wasn't the same man that came to greet you when you came in so that could only mean...The man removed his masked and sure enough, his dark skin sparked something inside your head.


"Reporting. We have information that one of the three Blood weapon, the scythe is residing in Alabasta." The man, Riley, whispers.

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